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Author's POV
Jungkook lazily drank his coffee as he was preparing for the "festivities" today. He really didn't like what was happening. All of this just for a criminal? No. That's not right.

Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted as his parents strolled into the room. His mother looked stressed as his father was looking around for someone.

"Where's Park?" His father asked. All Jungkook did was shrug. He couldn't care less where the rat was.

Suddenly, Taehyung walked into the room. He had his wife smile plastered on his face as he poured himself an espresso. "Good morning, everyone!~" he sang.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up; about to leave. But, Taehyung grabbed his wrist before he could.

"Where are you off to? We have to discuss your part in today's events," Taehyung explained.

Jungkook scoffed and spoke, "I don't want any part of these events! The most I'll do is nod along and smile; but that's it! I'm not getting caught up with the asshat!"

"Ah; an asshat, eh?"

Jungkook froze in shock and fear at the high pitched and cold voice. His once angered and confident demeanor changed into fear and shock in a split second; just by the presence of a small male.

"N-N-No...! Wh-What I meant was...u-um..." Jungkook tried his best to come up with something; anything; but nothing came to ming to make his wording seem positive.

Jimin just chuckled bitterly and grabbed a plain iced coffee from the fridge; he had ordered it for every morning in advance. "Don't worry; I get it a lot; but next time," Jimin pauses as he looked straight into Jungkook's doe eyes. "don't be a coward and say it to my face."

Jimin then walked away; presumably back to his room to get dressed for the day since he was still in his pajamas when he got his coffee and had messy hair.

Jungkook just shuddered at Jimin's cold tone and his piercing glare. When he looked up; he saw his brother looking at him with anger.

"Look what you've done; you angered him!!" Taehyung growled and went off to the garden. He was most likely going to help finish up the decorations.

Jungkook realized that his parents had already left; he was the only one still there. He sighed and grabbed the back of a chair with his two hands and squeezed them. He gritted his teeth in anger.

C'mon, Jungkook! You've gotta stop fearing him! He may be 2 years older than me; but I'm still taller! And...smarter! Yeah, smarter!

I think...? Ugh!!

Jungkook mentally slapped himself to stop thinking in such ways. If he continued thinking like this; it would just wound up feeding his fear towards the smaller. He decided to ignore it for now and start helping decorating to get his mind off things.
It was 10 A.M. everyone was dressed in their finest clothing. Women wore gowns with jewels and gems that were all over; some wore ones with none of the bling. Song wore dressed that touched the ground; some that barley went past their waste. Some were obviously excited for the new arrival; most likely wanted to seduce the new "bad boy" or some shit. Some looked a bit shaky than other, obviously afraid of the new comer.

The men wore black, blue, red, and white tuxes with bow ties and ties; dress shoes and long pants. Each man had a different expression; some scared, some excited; same as always.

While everyone waited impatiently; suddenly, a microphone being tapped could be heard. When everyone looked up; they saw the king and queen themselves standing on a second floor balcony with a microphone in front of them; getting ready to speak. Their two sons could be seen standing behind the couple.

"Hello, all! Thank you for gathering here today! Just yesterday; I'm sure you all have heard or seen a little new addition to this kingdom that had come over from Moirae Island. Now; some might be scared, but I assure you all that his power is being contained so that he is not allowed to use it; a bracelet is locked around his wrist that his made from the strongest mineral we have here in Lonnex; so there is nothing to worry about!"

A lot of people obviously felt a lot safer from the news.

"Now; the boy will be coming out soon. We ask for all to be kind and considerate to this young man. He may be a little cold; but he's been raised up wrong until now. We have brought him to Lonnex to hopefully realize that being bad and evil isn't right; and it never will be. I know some of you are scared and may not want him here; but again, we plead for you to just give him a chance. Thank you," the queen and king finished their shared speech. The royal family just stood up with smiles on their faces as the crowd claps and cheered for them.

The crowd seemed to be mostly for meeting the new comer; surprisingly. But some were skeptical and mistrusting; which is very understandable.

The royal family went out of the balcony and to the front doors. They were about to go out and introduce Jimin when the realized that they haven't seen Jimin.

"Where is he?" The king asked. The boys shrugged to the question as they waited. Just when Taehyung was about to go get him; the four heard soft footsteps coming from the stairs. When they saw Jimin; they were stunned. He was not wearing at all what they gave him. Instead of light; cheerful clothing; he wore a dark purple suite with a black button up under his blazer and black dress shoes. He had a smirk on his face as he saw their shocked expressions.

"Well; are you ready, or what?"
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though!

Thank you; bye!~~


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