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jungkook, almost lost in his own home from trying (and successfully) getting away from taehyung, found himself wondering the halls; not quite wanting to go to the dining hall. he's been doing this for around 20 minutes now, and he was starting to get bored.

until he saw his dad and step-mom walking out of the royal office with big smiles on their faces.

"jungkoook!" his father called. to his dislike, his parents turned their attention to him. he hesitantly walked up to then and nodded for them to continue.

with an excited voice; the queen continued, "great news! jimin is being sent back to moirae island!" she clapped her hands; giddy in excitement.

jungkook froze in his place. a cold feeling shot all the way through his body; he presumed it was a mix of worry and hurt.

"wh-wh-what do you mean ...?!" jungkook's heart raced like never before.

"his mother has just called. we conversed and decided it was best for him to go back to where he belongs," the queen smiled. jungkook hater that smile.

"where he belongs?! he belongs here; in the castle with us! h-how could we just send him back after he's done nothing wrong?!" jungkook breathed heavily, and the worry turned into anger that rose up from deep inside him to out of his mouth. "how could you do that to him?!"

"we're doing this because we love you, jungkook. we don't want to see your kingship focus be distracted by him," the king spoke calmly. "besides, he has done numerous things in the past. like the hyunjin incident? he's spoken, on multiple occasions, disrespectfully to all of us. he's ... not used to how we run things here. and we both think that he's been here for long enough. his visit had to end sometime."

"okay, first of all, jimin and hyunjin are literally friends now and i don't even want to get into that whole situation. secondly, when taehyung invited him here he never planned for it just to be a vacation! he wanted to keep him here; try to save at least one child from moirae's cruelty. and of course he spoke disrespectfully to all of us! it's not like any of us except taehyung treated him in the nicest ways," jungkook's hands formed into tighter fists. he could go on with his rant, but he needed to hear what his father had to say first. he could care less what the queen bitch said.

"well, jungkook, neither you or taehyung are kings yet. right now, your mother and i kn—"

"she's not my mother."

and jungkook stormed off.

jimin, unbeknownst to what's going on, lounged back on his bed and watched parks and recreation. he found the show quite funny.

although he laughed along with the show; a lot still plagued his mind. this queen-jungkook-taehyung thing was like a little parasite infesting his mind. he hated it.

"what was so urgent anyway ..." jimin muttered to himself. could the urgent situation have been about him? what if his mom was calling? would a maid come any minute to say he had to have a conversation with the stupid witch? what would happen if taehyung found out about the kiss? what would happen if jungkook found out his mom knew about the kiss?

he huffed and held his head; not wanting to think of the answers to those questions. he hoped and prayed none of them would happen.

just then, jungkook barbed into his room. jimin's head popped up from his hands and looked at the horrified face of jungkook.

"what? is everything okay?" jimin asked worriedly, quickly standing up just in case he had to run to a situation.

jungkook grabbed jimin's shoulders and held them tight. "do you want to leave?"

"what?" jimin's eyebrows raised suspiciously. "if you're talking about leaving the castle then okay; i'll get m—"

"no." jungkook spoke seriously and quickly. "i mean leave lonnex."

jimin was even more confused. "of course not. why would you ask me something like that?"

but then jimin looked into his eyes. his eyes looked torn and hurt; worry fogging them up completely. "j-jungkook ... what's going on ...?"

the younger gulped and looked down; clenching onto jimin's shoulders tighter. he didn't want to look into jimin's eyes when he said this.

"jimin; your mother just convinced my parents to send you back to the island."


a deafening silence filled the room.

jungkook didn't want to look into jimin's most likely broken eyes, but the silence started to suffocate him.

he looked up. looked up into jimin's empty eyes that stared at him blankly. he showed no sign of any emotion; except that his body was shaking a bit.

"jimin," jungkook shook him a bit. "say something."

but he didn't. he kept staring; kept keeping jungkook yearning for any sound to come out of his lips.

jungkook didn't know what to do; didn't know what would wake jimin up from this state.

so he kissed him.

he closed his eyes and held him close; kissing him passionately. he stayed kissing him until he felt wetness on his cheek.

he opened his eyes slowly as he pulled away from jimin.

the older was crying. sobbing, even. he fell to the floor with a quiet wail and held his chest with his child-like hand.

jungkook fell with him and hugged him close; not being able to stop the tears that fell from his face.

how was he supposed to on everyday without jimin around? how was he supposed to wake up knowing he wouldn't see jimin that day? how was he supposed to continue on normal knowing jimin was going through hell at moirae? how was he supposed to ignore his yearning to hold the shorter close and protect him?

he tightened his grip and cried. he didn't know what else to do.

jimin didn't know what to do. he couldn't do anything; he wasn't a prince, a commoner, not even a servant. he was just the piece of trash that tainted the name of lonnex kingdom since he's arrived.

so the two just cried on the ground; it was all they cold do.
OMG hello

anyways tea's spurring up let's go

ummm so imma just leave my drawing account username here; you can check it out if you want, idc :) ((but it'd be cool if u did))
@_nikiflorence_ <— ((ignore the name i thought it'd be cool to have a cool, hip stage name in 7th grade so that's what i got))
anyways i draw bts fanart and sometimes ships soooo yeah :))

anyways; i'm not gunna promote myself anymore. thank you for reading this story, as always! it's actually trash so i'm very thankful that all of you stayed with this.

stay safe as always! ^^

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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