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author's pov
"ahhhhh! smell that beautiful morning air?? it's amazing!" taehyung breathed in in happiness as the three walked down the streets of town.

"you can't even smell anything through these masks, taehyung," jungkook sighed and played with it. he didn't come out much; therefore didn't need to wear the mask all the time like taehyung.

"oh lighten up, kook! you can still smell through these," taehyung nudged the younger with his elbow. the prince simply grumbled and continued playing with his mask.

jimin ignored the brothers and looked around the bustling streets of the kingdom. there were multiple cars and people running around the streets and blocks. but, instead of running away from stealing merchandise; they were running to their jobs and duties. it was definitely a different scenery than what he was used to.

"jimin, where do you wanna go?" taehyung asked happily.

jimin shrugged. he really didn't know and it was a stupid question. how would he know what kind of stores lonnex had?

"well...are you hungry?" jungkook was the one to ask now; oddly awkward.

"i guess; i haven't eaten anything today," jimin spoke.

"great! i'll show you a nice, fancy, exquisite—"

"no. show me somewhere with fast food. somewhere princes would never eat," jimin cut taehyung off.

jungkook looked utterly disgusted. he, being a prince since birth, has never eaten at a fast food place before. only the best food that places had to offer.

"ooh, fast food? i haven't had that in ages!" taehyung smiled even wider. "we can go to KFC!! ooooohhh!"

taehyung's eyes sparkled at the mention of the wonderful chicken paradise. jimin smiled a bit at KFC, hoping it'd taste better than the crap one on moirae. and a bit at taehyung's cheeriness. jungkook scoffed at the idea.

the three strolled the streets; a few people glancing curiously their way, but never fully understand who they are. they finally arrived at KFC after walking for a bit.

the familiar white-haired-four-eyed chicken master stood tall at the top of the store; the gigantic letters 'KFC' under him. they walked in and ordered a bucked of fried chicken, fries, two diet pepsis for jimin and taehyung, and a mountain dew for jungkook.

they sat down, and as jimin and taehyung dug in, jungkook sat there in disgust.

"don't you need to cut it? the grease is getting all over your hands," jungkook scrunched you his nose in disgust.

"wow. just when i though you couldn't be more rich; you are," jimin sighed, giving a breast to jungkook. "just try it, wealthy man."

jungkook held the chicken by two fingers; it dangled in front of him. "it just doesn't seem...sanitary."

"jungkook, come on! expand your horizons and eat the breast!" taehyung groaned; already done his first chicken leg.

jungkook slowly bit into the chicken breast right over his plate. he chewed on it and swallowed; obviously hiding a smile as he went right back into eating it.

"see?" jimin spoke smugly. he worked on the fries and sipped at his diet pepsi.

"it's not as bad as it seems, okay?" jungkook scoffed and continued shoving it down.

the three had an actually decent time. after eating and taehyung and jimin laughing at jungkook's disgusted face at eating everything with his hands; they went out a bit more. jimin obviously didn't have any money to buy anything; but jungkook got a new winter jacket and taehyung got new sneakers for himself and jimin. they even visited jin and ordered some cakes and macaroons. they even went to dinner at olive garden. of course jungkook criticizes it as "fake italian food"; but ate is anyway. jimin raved about how much better the breadsticks were here than at his home. taehyung smiled contently at the good aura around the dinner.

jimin has a small smile upon his face as they walked back towards the castle; the night still young. each had something in there hands: jungkook held his new coat comfortably on his left arm and leftover olive garden in his right. taehyung held his and jimin's new shoes and jimin held a leftover cake slice from jin's creamy creations.

the blissful atmosphere ended abruptly when a certain noble stormed angrily out of the castle.

"JUNGKOOK!" he yelled from deep in his throat; his booming voice echoing around the night air. it made the 2 princes stop fearfully in their tracks; the foreigner's smile fell to a bored look and stopped elegantly between the two.

the king came up with his one hand balled into a fist; the other pointing at the males. "where have you been all day??"

"w-we were out on the town, your highness," taehyung worriedly spoke. the king looked truly outraged.

"with him?? are you fucking out of your minds?!" the king had to pause and take a deep breathe. "you two could've gotten in great trouble bringing him around town. and you didn't even bring a guard with you? are you crazy??"

"sir, i usually don't bring a guard with me when i go into town," taehyung remarked. "and we wore masks and hats; we wouldn't and didn't get recognized by anyone. they're too absorbed in themselves to examine three guys in hats."

the king mumbled something angrily after a few moments of silence. he had enough of this; but he couldn't do anything. he couldn't exactly come up with a comeback to taehyung's remark. they did go about this event well and didn't get caught. if they did; the king and queen would be the first to hear about it.

"go straight to your rooms when inside; and don't come out for the rest of the night," the king grumble lowly and walked back into the castle; leaving the three boys.

"well; that went well," jimin said. he genuinely thought the king would kill him from the actions.

jungkook sighed. "i guess so."

"no, but it did!" taehyung smiled. "we didn't do anything wrong. we all have the right to go into town without any supervision."

"you two do. if i went into town without the two of you; i'm pretty sure i'd be kicked out right away," jimin sighed and took off his hat and lowered his mask; tired of how constructed he felt. the two boys next to him followed his actions.

"yeah; i'm afraid you're right," jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "hopefully, someday, you'll be able to live a free like in this kingdom with no judgement.

"free life? there's a possibility. no judgement?" he chuckled. "there's no such thing."

i had mid-terms this week so i was really stressed and i didn't have motivation to write at all and i got distracted by the late late show where bts literally rocked the stage with black swan and my heart combusted when i watched them play hide n seek with cordon and kutcher i—

and we also over here stressing about getting bts tickets cause the chances of getting them r lower than the last time and i barley got them last time—

still,, doesn't matter,, i'm late on my update,, and i'm very sorry readers

i'll try to stay on a more constant update schedule

but i can't promise anything, sadly :,)

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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