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author's pov
the next morning taehyung and jungkook had a silent breakfast. the "problem" hadn't joined them.

it was a normal day; jungkook sparred with his weekly teacher; walked the usual stroll around the garden; and even had enough time to read books. it was around 2 pm where jungkook started to get a weird feeling about how normal this day was actually going...

"no noise, no fights, no yelling, no problems..." the young boy muttered; sitting on his bed contemplating his day so far. "how bizarre."

he couldn't complain, though; his day was going smoothly as he liked it to. it was really a coincidence when he flung his door open and heard the 'WHACK' on someone's body.

"ah! i'm sorr—" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw a particular raven haired boy rubbing his upper left arm.

"watch out before you open the fucking door," jimin scoffed and started to walk away.

but jungkook had had enough. he didn't know why that was particularly his last straw; it was his fault for banging into jimin. there was no reason to swing it open that fast.

yet, anger still filled inside him; bubbling up uncontrollably. he would finally let them out as he stomped over to the ignorant boy.

he grabbed the boy's left shoulder and spun him around; keeping a tight grip on it. he could see the semi-shocked expression that laid upon the male's face.

"and you need to learn how to respect anyone but yourself!" jungkook's heart stopped at his outburst as his hand that was once tight in a hold was now shaking like a leaf. his sudden burst of confidence left just as quickly as it came.

jimin's expression went back to his usual cold one quickly and pushed jungkook's hand away.

"it's funny you think i respect myself," he stated; jungkook a little surprised by the statement. "but it wasn't my fault for once."

the smaller started walking away while saying "why don't you pick on someone your one size."

the taller didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or ridicule. he couldn't do anything but watch the older walk away from his sight; the feeling of guilt oddly settling into him.

he sighed and went back to his now ruined day.

stupid raven haired boy.
jimin's pov
why does he hate me?

i didn't do anything to personally hurt him. maybe my parents did, but...

i sighed; not really knowing what to do in this situation. i should've never come here; cause i can't possibly get the thing my mother needs and i can't stay in this castle in which i feel worse and worse about myself everyday.

something needs to change.

"jimin!" i hear a familiar dark voice behind me. i turn around to see the tall prince jogging towards me. i hold back a small smile as he stops in front of me.

"what're you doing today?" he asked; tilting a head a bit.

"depends on what your about to say," i cleverly answered; not really planning on saying no to his offer.

taehyung rubber the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at me. "w-well i was wondering i-if you'd like to do something f-fun...with me..."

i laughed bitterly as i saw an opening to make him blush. "i didn't think you were that kind of guy, kim taehyung." i smirked.

he furrowed his eyebrows for a second before his eyes went wide and his face got extremely dark red. "n-n-no! i d-didn't mean i-i-it to b-b—"

"calm down there, mr. prince; i'm just kidding." i chuckled at his reaction. poor guy couldn't even get a single word out.

he just laughed nervously and kept his head pointed straight down; face still a bright red. "o-oh...w-well...do you w-want to do anything...?"

i thought for a second. to be honest; i'd rather go to my temporary room and device a plan to get out of here but find a way to go somewhere other than back home. but, i wanted to see what i can get away with. i might as well explore the castle with the pushover of the royal family. i'm kind of curious with exactly how much i can get away with.

"yeah; let's do something."
okay i'm REALLY sorry that i haven't posted in awhile AND this is shorter than my usual updates AND sucks more than usual; but i wanted to give you guys something since i feel bad for not posting in awhile so here ya go—

i'll try to write more; but school has me stressed and i got a lot of things at home coming up; it's all complicated.

anyways; i hope you somewhat enjoyed this terrible chapter and i'm sorry if there's any mistakes—i'm really lazy and i don't feel like don't them right now. i hope you enjoy!^^

please make sure to leave comments, vote and read on for bad guy?.

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