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author's pov
by the time jimin and taehyung arrived at the dining hall; the entrées had already been served. there was a clear difference between the two's seats.

while taehyung has a golden chair with royal blue cushions; jimin had a mere commoner's chair in which was a hard brown wooden one. while taehyung drank red whine* form a golden goblet; jimin drank water from a mere clear glass. while taehyung has two scoops of bulgogi, two scoops of bibimbap; and at least 4 rice cakes; jimin only had 4 rice cakes on his plate.

((AN: * red wine is the official drink of the lonnex kingdom. since, currently; red wine is low in the kingdom; drinking it shows high power and worth. this is why only the royal family and perhaps 2-3 other extremely wealthy friends of the royal family drink wine.))

"what is this??" taehyung commented as he walked in. he hadn't examined the dining hall that much before; only wondering where jimin was. "why does jimin have commoner shit instead of things like the rest of us??" taehyung questioned angrily.

his mother nonchalantly put a scoop of rice and beef into her mouth. "he is being punished for the scene he pulled off today," she commented in a monotone voice. taehyung's fists turned to white as he dug his nails into the palm of his hands. 

"wow..." everyone turned their head once they heard jimin whisper. his eyes sparkled while looking at the rice cakes. he ran over and sat; stuffing the food into his face. he was finished rather quickly since there was only 4 rice cakes on his plate. he put on a small smile as he swallowed them down; drinking some water at the end. his small smile fell once he realized everyone wasn't eating and only staring at him once he finished his water. "what?"

"that's extremely disrespectful. in this dining hall; you wait for everyone to be seated until you eat. and please; next time; use a fork," the king stated; obvious annoyance in his tan face.

jimin smirked and rested his head on his fist. "that's funny; i see all of you are already half finished your dinner before taehyung and i even arrived. and do not use the fact that i'm late against it. you shouldn't expect a person to memorize everything in a castle in one quick tore," jimin stated; similar to what he had explained to taehyung. the royal family was silenced once again by the 18-year-old male. jimin smirked even more as he stood up; grabbing the water and chugged it down; slamming it onto the table once he was finished. "that's what i thought," and then; he was off. most likely getting lost on his way to his bed room.

taehyung stood awkwardly behind his chair while all eyes slowly turned towards him.

"so," he awkwardly spoke. "what kind of rice cakes are we having?" he smiled; thinking of jimin's reaction just made him too happy to hide. he's never seen jimin be that happy and completely amazed since he's been here. he even saw a bit of a smile from jimin-which was very beautiful; if he must say.

"mang-gae-ddeok!" the chef came out; not really knowing the conversation that happened before. his smile vanished almost immediately once he sees the glares from everyone except taehyung.

"that's great, seokjin! we'll be having them every night from now on!" taheyung laughed and sat as he started on his plate.

seokjin smiled widely at his remark; signifying that he liked his food. he was much more than happy to hear this form the prince/his friend. he giggled to himself as he strolled back into his kitchen.

taehyung and the rest of his family are in silence. they all thought about the situation differently in there heads.

the queen: that fucker; he thinks he can just waltz into my castle like no big deal? he thinks he can disrespect me and this whole kingdom by scarfing down rice cakes and talking down to us in my own home?? he's got another thing coming to him...

the king: that boy...why does he like rice cakes so much? i mean; out of everything at lonnex kingdom; rice cakes? especially mang-gae-ddeok. i mean; it's obvious that mochi is far superior than that. many are; i guess he hasn't tried the others yet. but still; if you're gunna make a scene and scarf done a rice cake; at least do it with a truly delicious one like mochi. ((before you guys go "mochi isn't a rice cake; it was ice cream inside with dough on the outside!" it actually is,, i mean, i didn't know that until i just looked it up, but it is :) ))

jungkook: why did he scarf down the food? was he afraid it would disappear if he didn't? that's stupid. he's stupid. he ruined the whole atmosphere of the dinners. now it's all quiet and tense; just the thing i hate. fuck.

taehyung: mmmm~ no wonder he scarfed this done; these rice cakes really are delicious!

the dinner went by in a flash; taehyung and jungkook decided to leave early so they wouldn't have to be stuck having a "serious conversation about their day" that they have every night. except,tonight, the two really didn't feel like talking about the day that unfolded and all it's crazy events.

they walked side by side as they headed up the stairs to their rooms.

"so..." jungkook awkwardly said. he didn't really like silence too much; even if it was just awkward noise he'd be fine. "what do you think of today? crazy; right?"

taehyung questionably looked at jungkook as they reached the top of the steps and turned right. "how? jimin was simply defending himself from a man. no one knows his side of the story. so you ca—"

"then how do you know his side?" jungkook rudely interrupted; questioning taehyung as he stopped in his tracks.

taehyung stopped and turned around towards jungkook. "pardon?"

"how do you know jimin's side of the story?" jungkook repeated. he looked taehyung straight in the eyes as he asked the some-what complex question.

"i just...know," taehyung said confidently; shoving his hands into his pockets. "jimin doesn't seem like the type of person to do such a thing."

before taehyung could start another sentence; jungkook cut in again; "doesn't seem like the type of person?? taehyung you barley know the guy!"

"i know he wouldn't do that! i know i've known him for less then a day; but i just get a vibe-" taehyung talked fast; but not fast enough to stop jungkook from cutting in. again.

"A VIBE???!! taehyung you're basing the safety of this kingdom on a vibe off of someone you. don't. KNOW!" jungkook got riled up quickly for some reason. he huffed and stormed away; taehyung turned the other way while doing the same. the two step-brothers ironically slammed their doors shut once they got into them.
edited ✔️

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