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before jungkook could even register what happened; taehyung ran and wrapped his arms around the shaking boy.

"shhh, it's okay, jimin," taehyung spoke in a low, calming voice while keeping one arm securely on his tiny waist and the other brushing through his soft hair. "it's all okay now."

jimin just continued crying into his chest; his tiny fists bunching up on taehyung's gray shirt. he didn't care that his mother could be home any second, or the fact that his body ached so bad after just being beaten up again.

no, all he cared about was he could smell the familiar scent of coffee and pastries from taehyung. how the younger held him so tightly and with so much care.

suddenly, jungkook cleared his through; obviously not liking the close moment the two were having. the two separated as jimin quickly started wiping his tears away; trying to hide them even though both princes were right in front of him.

jungkook didn't waste a second after that to hug the smaller just like taehyung had did. hell, jungkook was even close to crying just as bad as jimin was.

"h-how...when--" jimin tryed making sense of it, but everything he said got choked up in his throat.

taehyung chuckled and gave a warm smile towards the boy. "we have our ways," he simply responded; not wanting to go trough explaining everything they just did. who knows how much time they have before people get suspicious of their motorcycle or them themselves?

"jimin," jungkook spoke softly and pulled apart a little from the boy; still holding him but now looking deep into his tear-filled eyes. "are you okay?"

the smaller smiled and nodded. the tears actually started to stop as he looked at jungkook's face quizzically. "since when did you wear these cute glasses?" he giggled and took off jungkook's fake glasses to put on his own eyes. he was surprised that they weren't prescription; jungkook never liked to wear too much accessories that weren't needed.

jungkook blushed; not only at jimin's words, but the fact of how adorable jimin looked in those round glasses. "I thought they'd be good to hide my identity."

the islander smiled again and put them back on jungkook. "aw, wearing fake glasses just for me. if it wasn't for this situation; i'd swoon."

taehyung decided to speak up during their lovely little moment. "speaking of the situation; how about we start getting out of it?" he spoke in the nicest voice he could come up with.

jimin and jungkook nodded and broke apart from each other; jimin looking between the two of them. "whats "the situation" exactly? how'd you two even get here?"

"we stole the remote to open the force field for us. we brought a motorcycle that's by the water's edge to bring you back on," taehyung smiled after giving out the information; extremely proud of how well the plan worked out.

jimin's face made a confused expression as he looked towards taehyung. "a motorcycle? how'll we all get back?"

the question made the two prince's pride fade a little bit. how would they get back? they didn't really think of it when they brought the motorcycle over, but they had no way of fitting three grown men on it. taehyung and jungkook barley fit themselves!

jimin smiled thoughtfully at how hard the two were thinking. "i'm not sure what exactly the rules are for going back, but i don;t think the space problem is the only thing you have to worry about." the smaller sighed and scratched the back of his head. "there's a lot of complications with having me back, y'know? your parents still don't want me there and there's nothing anyone can do about it. even the people of your kingdom cheered when i left, and the islanders here booed when i came back. i-it'd just be easier to stay in a place i'm already hated at then going back and making you two just as hated."

jungkook frowned deeply at how sad jimin sounded while saying all that. not once did the small boy look at them or wear a smile. he just...said it like he'd been thinking about it for the longest time.

and maybe he had. he had a whole year to think about everything that happened and could possibly happen in the future. jimin's probably thought about this plan way before the two prince's even talked about it.

"i don't want to be the reason your parents are disappointed in you two. if it wasn't for me; jungkook would probably be king right now and none of this feuding would even have to happen. i-i'm so sorry," jimin sincerely spoke; looking into each of their eyes this time. he fiddled with his thumbs in front of his waist and waited for an answer from one of the princes in front of him.

"jimin," taehyung finally spoke. "i wouldn't trade anything if it meant that you'd go away. isn't it obvious how much we care for you? your single existence makes our parent's anger look like a cute dog going for a walk. all of this is for you; jungkook and i care for you so much that it's not even funny."

"yeah, jimin, you're all we've been thinking about this whole year. you made the world seem like it was a wonderland full of beautiful colors of the rainbow, but when you left, it just went back to being a plain black and white," jungkook spoke after taehyung to give jimin assurance that they really wanted to be there at moirae with him.

jimin held back his tears; not wanting to look like a crybaby in front of the two men he loved. he felt like kissing them, but held back. why? because which would he kiss first? he loved both equally and didn't want either to think any differently. his heart pounded when both of them looked at him, and he couldn't ask for any better two boys to be in love with. because they just went through an incredible amount of work and stress to get here with him.

and he couldn't be happier.

"your highness?" a maid slightly shook the king that was groggily beginning to wake up. "dinner is almost ready; your wife is requesting you start getting ready to go to the dining hall."

the king wiped his eyes and groaned like a teenager waking up for the first day of high school. "alright; just tell her i'll be arriving in less than 20 minutes."

the maid nodded and started making her way out, but hissed a little when she stepped on something foreign. curious, she looked down and was surprised to see a silver stud earing just laying there on the floor. she carefully reached down and picked it up; turning to the king that was now sitting up.

"your highness, i think you dropped an earing on the ground before you went to bed," she smiled and placed it on his nightstand. "i'll see you at dinner."

"wait!" the king haulted her movements with just his loud voice as he picked up the earring. "you found this just now? in here?"

the servant nodded and waited for the king to speak again as she watched him inspect it curiously.

"this is taehyung's earring," the king growled. "why was it in here?"

quickly, the king started searching around the room like a frantic man. he needed to see if anything was missing or out of place. thankfully, nothing was.

that was until he saw that a certain remote was gone from his belt.


woah i write a bit over 1000 words so i'm happy :)

i finished my online work early n was like "let's go" so i went—

aLsO a year ago on may 18 i saw bts so i was having a mental breakdown then ANOTHER one literally 2 seconds later when i realized i would've seen them THIS weekend if it wasn't for ms. corona.

like guys no one cares but i would stay over at a hotel with my bestie n our moms, go to the bts concert for the whole day, stay over again, then take a slow drive home the next day.

i was so excited like that is my dream weekend and it's rUiNeD

anyways i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter n my little rant over here

cya next chapter ;)

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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