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"lets get him."

"what happened? what was with the fight? did you change your mind because of it? are you okay? what d—"

"taehyung shut the fuck up for one second or i swear to god," jungkook growled as he slammed his hands on taehyung's white desk; abruptly shutting him up. "it doesn't matter how my mind change; it just did. i want jimin back and i want him back now, goddammit."

taehyung gulped and nodded. he doesn't think he's ever seen jungkook this angry before. well, maybe when jimin left, but that anger was just clouded by sadness and loads of work.

"ok, ok. i'm sorry," taehyung apologized and and went next to jungkook. "but what do you plan to do?"

"i dunno; you're the one always talking about this. i kinda figured you already had a plan...?" jungkook questioned as he looked at taehyung expectingly.

taehyung gulped. "uh...i-i was waiting for you to come around so that we can make it together. i was kinda pushing it a bit when i said i can do it by myself...that was just to make you feel more intimidated." the elder gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his head.

jungkook just sighed angrily and crossed his arms. "well alright. guess we'll have to start preparations now."

and he started the process. grabbing multiple blank papers with a jar of multicolored pens, a mapped layout of the whole castle, and another paper with all the phone numbers of the help in the area.

he was just about to start when he heard taehyung yawn.

and that's when he looked up and saw the boy tiredly rubbing his right eye while trying to hold in another yawn. he looked at the clock and realize it was a quarter to 3 am.

"you think we could do this tomorrow, jungkook? i know you have a lot of adrenaline but...i do not," taehyung let out the yawn he was holding involuntarily and shook his head to try to push the tiredness away for a minute or two.

"ah, yeah. i didn't realize how late—er, early it was," jungkook stood up and awkwardly said good night to taehyung, who said good night back, and walked out. god how much of an idiot he must've looked.

but all of his rational thoughts left his mind when he heard his father call jimin all those derogatory names and degrading him like he was nothing. jimin was everything. and if his father couldn't see it; then who cares.

and who cares if he gets mad when they sneak jimin back in, right?

jungkook just needed to blow off some steam ((even though it was 2:45 in the morning)) and decided to just go on the treadmill in his personal gym.

he ran on the treadmill, lifted weights, even worked on his kick-boxing skills up until it was 7:30 and he was dripping sweat. deciding to stop, he returned to his quarters and took a long, hot, badly needed shower.

and the only reason why he was still so awake was the single though of a detainee raven-haired boy. he chose to wake up taehyung after changing into clean clothes to start the plan of getting the boy back here as soon as possible.

he stormed over to taehyung's room at his quickest speed of walking he's ever accomplished; only to find exactly what he was looking for when he saw taehyung leaving his room seeming pretty awake.

"oh, hey!" taehyung gave a bright smile when he saw jungkook walking up to him. "...you up for this?"

jungkook nodded and gripped his fists together as his heartbeat quickened. "let's do this."

they spent hours devising this plan. it took multiple hours with multiple pages and colored pens being used. after cup and cup of three shotted espresso coffees the boys' minds were racing with ideas and plans to make this work. because it had to work. it had to.

"ok...so that's the plan," taehyung mumbles as he picked up the notebook with multiple lines and numbers on it. their plan was ingenious; with multiple twists and turns and conniving details. they'd have jimin back in no time. "so when do you wanna start it?"

"how about right now?" jungkook asked as he lead taehyung and himself into his ginormous walk-in closet. "we'll have to dress appropriately for the part, though."

"how do we even do that? dress like jimin did on his first day?" taehyung looked over all the clothes and ran his hand against some.

"not sure. just not in our regular clothes," jungkook grabbed some clothes to work with. "you got anything that would be appropriate?"

"nope. my mom made me throw everything away when we moved into the castle," taehyung explained and grabbed some of jungkook's clothes, too. "but we're the same size so it shouldn't really matter."

"okay; let's get to it."

and so they did. they mixed and matched, tried on shirt after shirt and pant after pant. they had no idea what exactly the people of moirae wore; so how were they supposed to dress as them?

well, while looking and scanning over jungkook's small collection of dark clothing; they decided to just go with it.

taehyung chose to wear a dark grey dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and an open black vest on top of it. he wore black jeans and sneakers for his lower half and a black snapback on top.

jungkook wore an old black jacket that had some tears from it being 3 years old, but still fit him quite nicely. he wore a dark blue shirt underneath and black sweatpants with timberlands on the bottom. he put on nonprescription black circular glasses to compliment the look.

both of them put on black face masks to minimize the possibility of being caught by any royal guards on their way out and any islanders on the way in.

jungkook grabbed a couple is essentials to put in a small bag that he hoisted over his shoulder and looked over at taehyung, who sent a quick text out and out his phone back into his jean pocket.

"you ready?" jungkook asked, adjusting his face mask to fit more comfortably.

taehyung looked up at jungkook with serious eyes. "as ready as i'll ever be."

guys i actually had a head start on this chapter and it was NOT finished at the last second; so hopefully it's better than my last two.

y'all i'm actually VERY excited to write their plan to get jimin back in the next chapter. kinda been boring since the year gap, i have to admit, but imma make it more interesting when he comes back.

aNyWaYs i hope y'all r doing ok in quarantine and ur teachers aren't annoying u too much like mine r :,)

cya in the next chapter!

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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