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when jimin limped back into his room; taehyung was already in waiting for him. he immediately stood up from his seat on the end of jimin's bed. the two made eye contact for a second or two; until the smaller looked away and limped to the window to open it as usual.

"morning, jimin!" taehyung spoke cheerfully. he smiled wider than usual. he felt like jimin had finally gotten onto a friendly level with him and jungkook. maybe not fully jungkook yet, but...himself?definitely. "i came to see what you wanted for breakfast. i didn't really expect you to be up so early after the late night we had."

jimin wore a cold face; his mouth in a straight line. he didn't face taehyung and stared out the window. "yeah..." was all he said.

there was a moment of awkward silence. mostly for taehyung. he thought of something else to say for a conversation starter.

"how's the foot? are the pills helping?" taehyung asked. jimin stayed still.

"yes," he spoke. he didn't feel like explaining why he wasn't taking the pills; making his foot throb just as much as the day before.

"ah, good." taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. why was jimin being so cold? he was acting like he was on the first day he came to lonnex.

taehyung walked up to jimin. he glanced at the boy's face that held no emotion. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion; then looked out the window where jimin was staring.

just trees and grass. nothing special.

"is everything...okay?" taehyung looked back at jimin. the shorter closed his eyes and sighed harshly.

"yes. i'm fine," jimin turned and walked to his bed. he sat down on it. "i'm actually not really feeling well. you can tell jungkook he doesn't have to come tonight; i don't feel up for it."

taehyung looked over in surprise. "i thought you said you were okay? way hurts? maybe the doc has somethi—"

"you can go now, taehyung," jimin rested his back against the headboard of the bed; his eyes closed. taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but decided to let jimin rest. something was obviously on his mind that he needed to think about.

"alright...i'll see you at 12 for lunch," taehyung gave a friendly smile and respectfully walked out of the room.

jimin watched his leave after taehyung turned his back to him. he felt bad for being so rude. his attention turned from the door to his foot; which he arched his back to cradle it. it hurt extremely bad, but jimin just didn't want to take the pills.

he's had...a bad experience with them before.

jimin shook his head to get the thoughts out of his head. he continued massaging his foot and humming a random tune to not have the silent air engulf him.

time seemed to crawl by without anything to do. he didn't realize how restricted this mangled foot of his made him. jimin sat in silence, getting tired of humming nothing, and decided it'd be wise to take a smile.

it's be difficult, of course, with the broken foot. yet, he hadn't taken a shower in a day or two; so it was time he took another.

the male grabbed a new pair of clothes; a sweatshirt and on pants since he wasn't going anywhere but the  bathroom and his room; and limped to the bathroom.

as short as the trip was; jimin just so happened to run into someone he didn't.

"ah, jimin!" jungkook smiled awkwardly at the sudden encounter. jimin looked anywhere but the male. he didn't care much for him at the moment. "what're you doing out of your room?"

"shower," jimin has a quick response and slipped past jungkook into the bathroom. he shut the door and locked it behind him.

jungkook stood in shock and looked at the bathroom door.

what the fuck?

jimin stripped and turned on the water; making sure it was steaming hot. he loved the water almost burning his skin and took advantage of the hot water at the castle. in moirae, the hottest he'd get would be tiny spirts of luke warm water.

he stepped into the shower and let the water drench him before doing anything. jimin didn't want to think too much, but his consciousness let in all the intrusive thoughts.

the boy didn't want to admit it, but he had liked taehyung and jungkook. he really did. and they just turn their back on him?

okay, he knew he was somewhat overreacting. especially with taehyung who only wanted jimin to feel welcomed in lonnex and by its people. but he had to let all his anger out on someone. jungkook, of course, got 80% of the anger that resides in him. the stupid prince just pretended to like him for money. what a cheapskate; he had all the money in the world in his fingertip but he had to have 20 more.

jimin didn't realize he was crying until his eye sight started to get blurry. his chest started to hurt more than it had before. this is why he can't trust anyone but himself.

as quick as jimin let his guard down; it went right back up again. the walls blocking him away from everyone grew 10x higher and thicker. he knew now that depending and trusting people was just a fairytale and a pathetic wish. from now on, he just won't trust anyone. it's the only way he can protect his already broken heart.

later at night, around the time jungkook said he'd be at jimin's room; there was no one.

jimin's attention seemed to keep transitioning from the boring tv show to the door that made no sign of movement or sound. he sighed and shook his head.

"stop it, jimin...he didn't want to be near you anyway," he muttered to himself sadly. the male turned off the tv and the room grew dark; the moonlight from outside being the only source of light that came in.

jimin starred at the door. what else was he supposed to do? he felt like a prisoner that was secluded in his jail cell for eternity. there was nothing to do and he couldn't go anywhere even if he wanted to. every time he thinks of his stupidness for stepping on that glass and ruining his foot he cringes.

the purple-eyed male climbed under his covers at only 7:28 pm. there was nothing else he could do but that. everything else bored him, and he didn't feel like having his foot throb even more for going over to the window.

so, jimin layed there until his body finally gave out consciousness from tiredness, sadness, and pain; both physical and mental.
oop lowkey filler chapter not quite sure :)

chapter came a lil early so the next may come a lil later; who knows? i'm just praying i don't have a lot of schoolwork so i can write more and finish chapters to meet my new schedule :,)

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