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jungkook turned around to taehyung. "what?"

"you...um...you actually did kiss jimin...?" taehyung asked. he'd never actually gotten a complete answer from when his mother barged into jimin's room that day.

the younger's face turned a dark red as he realized what he just said. he avoided eye contact with taehyung. "i-i-i...no?"

"jungkook," taehyung said seriously, his voice a little deeper.

jungkook gulped at the sound. he stayed quiet for a few seconds until he saw taehyung about to burst. "...yes," he spoke reluctantly.

taehyung froze in his spot; breathe becoming a bit uneven. he bit his lip very hard to almost make blood come out.

"and...does he...like you...too?" taehyung could barley muffed out the words. barley able to hide his anger seething through his teeth.

"i...like to think he does," jungkook looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "he's just confusing; y'know?" 

he stood there; silently glaring deep holes into the younger's appearance. he hated every single word with every fiber in his body that came out of the boy's mouth.

jungkook, on the other hand, was a bit relieved that he could finally tell someone the truth about the situation. taehyung would understand, right? him of all people; the person that likes jimin just as much as h—

then the younger looked up to be met with taehyung's angry stare.

"you...you like him too...don't you?" jungkook accused while narrowing his eyes at taehyung. the younger couldn't believe he didn't see it before. taehyung's long, respectful, loving gazes towards him, the way he would choose jimin instead of his friends to hang out with, the way he'd always be smiling when he was with him. "i can't believe i haven't noticed this before."

jungkook was only proven right when taehyung's angry gaze turned into a slightly embarrassed and red one as he stayed quiet. and at this moment; they both didn't know what to say to one another.

"...this...means we have to get him back even more," jungkook concluded. he hated that taehyung had the same feelings towards jimin, but what could he do? it's not like either of them could snap their fingers and make these emotions disappear.

"yeah," taehyung spoke bitterly. "well, you better figure out something with your father while i talk to my mother. unlike some people, i won't give up after 2 seconds."

and then he stormed out; leaving a jungkook who didn't know how to feel. was he supposed to be angry and focus on the vocal hit taehyung have him, or worry more that taehyung and him both had feelings for the same boy?

he tried his best to clear these thoughts from his head as he staggered his way towards his father's study. that'd be the most reasonable place to find him.


jimin sat up from the floor from the voice of his mother who stood by the door.


"don't act so surprised to see me; i'm right across the hall," she spoke as she walked and looked around jimin's room. "i came in cause i saw the news."

"what? did someone commit a murder or theft; again?" jimin rolled his eyes and hugged as he took a proper seat on his bed.

"not our boring news channel; the stupid kingdom across the water," and jimin looked at her with wide eyes.

"wh-why wild you watch that channel...? you always say how tacky it is; especially on a day like today," jimin tilted his head slightly in confusion at the information. usually his mom didn't watch the news at all, for she hated and grew bored of every news channel out there.

"i wanted to see that prince of yours fail," his mother smirked and looked at him. "i knew he'd chicken out; the boy was never such a toughie anyway, don't you think?"

"you mean jungkook?" jimin asked stupidly. obviously she was talking about jungkook; who else was being crowned the king of lonnex today?

"yes, idiot; him. he made me loose all respect for that kingdom; well, the little that i still had dangling on me. the fact that he couldn't even live up to his born duties and serve his kingdom is beyond me. yet, the boy was never the brightest nor the toughest his whole life. and the step-brother's even worse; with all his 'togetherness' and 'peace' and 'equality'. like that would ever happen between our two kingdoms," his mom ranted.

every word sent anger deep into jimin's body; how dare she talk about taehyung and jungkook like that? then again, he couldn't directly go against her; he wanted to skip any yelling in the house that he could. his ears still ring a little bit from the last screaming session they had because he forgot to clean a singular fork.

"mom...maybe he got...cold feet?" jimin said barley above a whisper.

his mother simply laughed and judged him a little bit. "smart-ass, of course she got cold feet! his feet are probably frozen from how long he's been a little scaredy cat. i don't even have to watch the news to know about these idiot princes at that idiotic kingdom. moirae is much more superb; they just don't know it yet!" his mother spoke proudly and with strange honor.

how could she be proud of their stupid island? it was absolutely nothing compared to lonnex! lonnex actually has prosperity, order, and happiness. everywhere he looked he saw happy faces; how jealous it made him whenever he saw smiles. he'd never been so happy in his life at lonnex that he thought maybe one day he could wear such a genuine smile like every one of them do!

but now that dream is gone.

at least with jungkook i'm the throne he'd have a sliver of hope come back that he'd be brought back to the paradise that was lonnex.

but now; nothing.

he didn't blame jungkook, though. who'd want to be king and have the stress of running a whole entire kingdom?

still, it would've been nice to kiss him again.

anyways this is sHiT and i'll be more prepared with the next one i promise :)

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