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"i-i-i m-mean ..." jimin started to breathe uneven. his index and middle finger started to rub together like they always did. his eyes started to fill with teas that he refused to let flow. he's been getting too emotional lately.

and hyunjin noticed. "uh—are you okay, jimin? i'm sorry i shouldn't have asked i—" hyunjin saw jimin clawing at his collar; almost like he was trying to breathe from being suffocated. "jimin?? o-okay i'm gunna get the doctor! s-s-stay here ...!"

jimin saw through his blurred vision hyunjin rushing out of the room. why was he so stupid? what was he thinking saying that? and now his lungs felt like they were on fire? like he was drowning and couldn't get to air?

this is what he deserved. he was being too selfish and he was a fucking blabbermouth. now jungkook would get in trouble. people are going to want to know why he was having a panic attack and hyunjin would tell them.

this was just a perfect night.

jungkook finally ran far enough that he showed down his pace. his shaking hands were shoved into his pockets; his eyes threatening to close in anger and worry.

how was he supposed to face taehyung again? and what if he told jimin about the drawings?? then he'd really be screwed.

he continued walking until he heard thumping foot steps coming his way. he turned around quickly to see the doctor and hyunjin.

"what the ..." jungkook muttered, but they were gone before he could say anything. hyunjin giving him a bit of an odd gaze as he passed.

he decided to wave it off like it was nothing. which it probably was nothing. at least, that's what jungkook told himself.

"so what happened?" taehyung asked worriedly.

he watched as jimin took a pill that was supposed to help his anxiety. his hands shook the water glass in his hand. the doctor finished taking his heart beat and looked up at the prince.

"he'll be just fine, your highness. it was just a minor anxiety attack cause my his anxiety. these pills will calm him down." the doc bowed and left.

hyunjin has to leave because his aunt called him; so it was just jimin and taehyung.

taehyung way hes jimin our the almost filled water cup back on his nightstand. then he spit out his pill in the trash.


"i don't need a lecture right now, taehyung. i don't take pills; so don't even try," jimin said agitatedly. he had his head in his hands and sighed.

"i'm sorry, but of course i'm gonna press," taehyung say on the bed in front of jimin. "why don't you want to take pills?"

jimin was surprised. he'd expected taehyung to say "take the pills now" or "don't you want to feel better?" but not ask for an explanation.

he quickly looked away from taehyung and shook his head. "it's nothing. i just ... don't like taking them."

taehyung sighed. the room fell silent for at least a minute or two. "okay. if you don't want to; then fine." jimin looked at him joyful. "but i'm not gonna lie for you. so you better hope no one asks me if you're taking pills or not."

jimin groaned. of course people would ask taehyung since he's the one who's here right now. especially jungkook.

"so ... you wanna hang ...? i can truly to get your mind off of whatever's bothering you," taehyung smiled.

jimin nervously nodded and tensed a little when taehyung sat next to him. he didn't know how him hanging out with him could make everything better since taehyung was part of the reason why he was stressing.

"why so tense?" taehyung questioned. jimin seemed to be leaning and almost falling off the edge of the bed. "... am i making you uncomfortable ...?"

"n-no! y-you're fine, taehyung. i'm ... just thinking of the thing i'm ... stressing about ..." jimin looked down and rubbed his index and middle finger together out of nervousness. taehyung picked this up; but didn't say anything. he didn't want to expose the thing that he assumed helped jimin's stress.

"i think i'll ... go. you seem to want to be alone right now," taehyung gets up, but jimin grabs his arm. he looks back, surprised. evidently, jimin also had a surprised face.

"d-don't go ..." jimin muttered; barley audible. taehyung felt warmth fill his heart and sat back down. "i-i'm sorry i'm acting ... s-strange ..." jimin looked down.

the silence took over the room. taehyung's face was a dark red as he realized that jimin hadn't taken his fairly small an childlike hand off of his arm. his heart beat started to pick up when he saw that jimin's face was red, too.

"jimin ..." taehyung muttered. jimin looked up and his eyes widen. he quickly took his hand off of taehyung's arm and looks the opposite way.

"i-i-i'm sorry ...!" jimin cursed himself out in his head for stuttering. he hated how vulnerable he was being. he looked and sounded like a total wimp, and taehyung was seeing it all. how was he supposed to keep a reputation now?

taehyung stared at jimin's face. he looked pretty out of it and nervous. but still beautiful.

"hey, it's okay. you don't have to be so tense around me." taehyung smiled. he subconsciously put his hand on top of jimin; realized how much larger his was than jimin's. he giggled and picked up jimin's hand. "y'know; your hands are like little baby ones. chubby and small."

jimin looked at their hands and smiled a little, too. he let taehyung play with his small hands. it was actually quite comforting; helping to calm down his anxiety.

he rested his head back and closed his eyes. taehyung made circling motions on his palms and, it was faint, but jimin could kind of feel taehyung's breathe on his hand. it made him even more comforted in a way.

he slowly fell asleep to the feeling of even breathing on his hand and circle being made in his palm.
i was not ready for today's update.

i wanted to incorporate vmin, but i didn't know how to at first; so i procrastinated like i always do. i literally wrote this whole thing in 20 minutes to stay with the updates so sorry if it's trash.

stay safe everyone!!

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