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jimin woke up at 2:03 in the morning. it was still pretty dark outside and everything was still.

he slowly sat up and yawned, rubbing his eyes. he had already gotten around 7 hours of sleep; so it was about time he got up. well, in jimin's terms.

the castle eerily quiet to jimin, and he didn't like the regular loud sounds and bustling around in the halls outside the door. he just felt like there was a loud sound waiting to happen that he couldn't stop from happening. so, instead of worrying, he lifted his tired body off of the bed and stood next to the bed.

he didn't know what to do. he was extremely bored and didn't want to do anything anymore. there was nothing that made him happy at the moment. even if he wanted to get food or talk to someone; he couldn't. who'd be up at 2 am?


jimin jumped a little from the sudden sound outside his door. he walked as quick as he could with his bad foot to the door and opened it hastily.


the male didn't know what to think when he saw the youngest prince on the ground.

"why the fuck are you out at 2 am?" jimin crossed his arms and looked at jungkook suspiciously.

jungkook jumped a little and looked up at jimin. he rubbed his back a little and stood himself up to face jimin properly.

"i...couldn't sleep..." jungkook left out the part that it was because he couldn't stop thinking about jimin. how he was on his mind so much he's already drawn 3 sketches of him. how he's been pacing in front of jimin's door since 1:30; contemplating whether he should go in or not when the boy wakes up. how he was so distracted that he tripped over his own foot like an idiot and made a loud thud to alert the boy of his presence.

"well you're waking me up. go lurk in another hallway," jimin starts going back into his room when jungkook stops his movements with a "hey".

jimin turned to look at him. "why are you acting different? i thought...we were getting along...?" jungkook said cautiously; not wanting to sound too pathetic in front of jimin.

"psh," jimin shrugged off jungkook. "we weren't getting along. it takes two people to do that, and obviously neither of us cooperated in it."

"what do you mean? i've put in an effort to get closer with you. i know we've started on not the best terms, but...i did want to become friends. i-i even showed you my iron man collection and stuff. that means something to me, y'know?" jungkook protested, a bit offended at jimin's accusation.

"if you really wanted to hang out with me; you wouldn't need a bribe of 20 bucks to watch spider-man," jimin pulled slammed the door in jungkook's face.

jungkook's face turned pale. he heard? well, taehyung and him were right outside the door and didn't try to hide what they were talking about very much.

you're so fucking stupid, jungkook. he thought. he couldn't have just waited to have the conversation when they were later down the hall? so idiotic.

jungkook got out of his little trance of blaming himself when he realized he hasn't even tried to backfire jimin's comment. he walked to the door and didn't try to open it; knowing that wouldn't make jimin like him any more.

"jimin, i'm sorry. i only took those $20 because i wanted to make a few extra bucks. but i would've hung out with you even if taehyung didn't give me anything! trust me, please, i really do want to be your friend," jungkook tried his best to explain the situation. hopefully, and just maybe, jimin would understand where he's coming from.

the prince heard nothing but slight shuffling inside the room. then a voice that came very close to the door.

"how am i supposed to believe you?" jimin apprehensively spoke.

jungkook held a small smile and knew just what to do. "open the door and i'll show you."

there was a pause in jimin's movements before the door slowly creaked open just enough for jimin to pop his head out.

jungkook immediately went into his pocket and pulled out the $20 he was planning on spending for shopping. instead, he held it out for jimin to take.

"have it. and i'll still watch movies with you," jungkook spoke clearly. this was the only way he could think of proving to jimin he wasn't bribed.

jimin hesitates, again, to take the money. but he takes it anyways and waits patiently in the slightly awkward silence between them.

"so...do you have the movies?"

jungkook nodded. "i brought them just in case."

it was around spider-man homecoming and far from home; which spoiled for jimin that iron man had died in endgame. of course, jungkook teared up just at the thought. they decided to watch infinity war and endgame since jimin was interested to see how everything ended before he knew how some began. jungkook sobbed at tiny stark's death and even jimin teared up a little. of course he hid the fact by making fun of jungkook's sobbing.

it was around noon when they finished everything. they hadn't quite realized what time it was when they first started watching the movies. needless to say, they were both exhausted.

jimin yawned and rubbed his right eye. "i got almost 7 hours of sleep...but i still feel like shit."

jungkook chuckled bitterly. "i got a good hour. my mind races too much at night for me to sleep."

"honestly, same," jimin yawned again; which made jungkook yawn. "you should probably just go to your room and get some shut eye. i'm sure there's no important prince stuff to do today; like always."

"you kidding me? i always have important things to do. you're looking at the future king of lonnex right here," jungkook puffed out his chest at his confident words, but only got a laugh from jimin.

"you're only gunna be king since your father is now. it's a stupid way of deciding the next person to lead a kingdom," jimin pointed out; his words making jungkook's chest fall.

"w-well...i get the right education in order to be a king. i learn how to properly think things through, order punishment when needed; even how to use the right utensils at the dinner table when guests are over. i know the in's and out's of lonnex and know how the people think. well, not all of them; but the general thinking, y'know? anyways, i've been trained for my kinghood since i was, like, 6. it's just always been a part of my lessons; like science and math in regular school. do you ev—" jungkook stopped himself from his rant when he felt added weight to his shoulder. he looked down and saw jimin fast asleep on his shoulder; slightly and lightly snoring.

the prince blushed profusely and didn't know what to do.
lowkey odd ending cause i didn't realize i was already close to 1200 words when i usually cut off at 1000–

okay and a l s o; i forgot to put it in my last chapter but OMFG MAP OF THE SOUL 7?? A BOP

i'm over here sobbing my eyes out (no joke) at vmin's song. like, it's too much. and we are bulletproof: the eternal?? catch me crying even more.

ANYWAYS i hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!!

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