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"what the hell are you doing?!"
taehyung's pov
my heart dropped at the sound of the familiar voice. i didn't know whether to be scared or relieved.

i turned to face my step-brother who portrayed an angry yet a little panicked expression as he walked closer to me; not jimin.

i looked to jimin who seemed to have stopped all movements; brushes paused in the air and some paint even dripping on the floor. only some of the canvas was painted; there was an obvious ocean with a black middle. it seemed from the colors on the brushes that jimin was about to put the details into the black blob.

"taehyung!!" jungkook brought me back to the situation as he now stood right in front of me. "am i seeing things; or is he using m—"

i was quick to cover his mouth with my large hand. he was screaming, after all; and i didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea.

"just calm down, okay?!" i whisper yelled. "he has magic, yes—"

jungkook let out muffle complaints, but i was quick to shush him once more.

"but they are just of the arts; none are dangerous. you have my word!" i waited a few moments for jungkook's expression to change from anger to confusion as i slowly parted my hand with his mouth.

"please don't scream, kook. he—he just wanted to do something that was familiar! it has to be hard coming from your home you've known all your life to a new and strange environment," i looked over at jimin in pity. he seemed to have gotten back to work; and in a hurry. i guess he was afraid his little magic would be taken away and wanted to finish before that happened. "i know i'd want something at least a little bit familiar if i had to move from here to moirae island."

i turned back to jungkook when i heard a sigh escape his lips. he was looking down and was in deep though for a moment or two, probably contemplating whether or not he should expose us.

"i don't know taehyung..." jungkook sighed and spoke in a hushed voice. "i understand where your coming from; it's just—it's just he's dangerous and can probably come up with a way to use nondangerous magic against us..."

"no! he can't! i-i made sure of it!" i spoke in a whisper yell once more to defend the accusations jungkook was trying to make. "e-even is he did—the guards would be right here to defend us, honest! please trust in him and i!"

jungkook looked me straight in the eyes; very serious. "i'll trust you," he looked to jimin who was still painting away. "but not him."

i sighed and looked down; not really knowing what to say next.

there was a few minutes filled with awkward silence and the occasional sounds of brushes hitting buckets and then hitting the canvas again. jimin just sat with his hands on his lap as black and purple swirls helped support the brushes in painting perfect scenes.

it wasn't until jimin said "done" that the silence was broken.

jungkook and i immediately looked at the finished project. i can't speak for jungkook; but my jaw dropped at how talented jimin was.

the ocean surrounding the blackened island was perfectly depicted in each wave and sea foam imagined. a little bit before the blackened land started; there was a green hue that surrounded the island and some of the water around it. as for the island; only black, grey, purple, blue, and green was used to show how it looked from above. it seemed to be almost like a ginormous city that was completely run down with no one even close to middle class on site.

jimin took the canvas from the middle and shrunk it to regular size; making it now accessible to put on any wall. he looked over to jungkook and i with a blank expression covering his features.

"where should i throw it out?" he asked in a monotone voice.

"what?" jungkook i spoke in surprise. "why would we throw it out?"

"numerous reasons. one being who're you gunna say paint it, hm? i couldn't paint this good just from my regular memory. the magic helps me remember whatever i want to paint and holds that picture there; so it's almost as if i captured it with a camera. you can't do that regularly; and you sure as hell cant say either of you painted it. you two don't have the memory of something like this and could never depict moirae as good as someone who came from it. and also," he punched a hole straight through the center of the piece; where the island was now not even seen except for the black outline. "because it's ruined."

he dropped it on the floor and walked out lazily; the atmosphere and his mood completely different from what it was before.

jungkook was surprisingly the one to walk up and hold up the ruined painting with a sad face.

"it was a really good painting...why would he do that?" jungkook asked, not looking up.

i only shrugged, even though he wasn't even looking at me, and walked over to him to look at the ruined piece of art as well.

"i don't know."
jimin's pov
i walked the halls of the castle; not wanting to be in the same room as the rich folks. god, that one thinks i'm always doing something wrong when i'm doing the simplest task.

although, i'm not even supposed to have my powers at all...

no. he still had no right to get scared. i was only painting. and besides; his brother was literally watching me and i didn't do nothin' to him. this is all just so stupid. so so so so so stupid.

i looked around and stopped; realizing i didn't even know where i was. but what'd i expect? i did go out in a limb of thinking i knew where i was going.

or maybe i wanted to get lost.

"hey; where're you supposed to be?"
i felt like writing tonight and actually got this done in like a half an hour—maybe even less.

it's not that good as alway,, but at least it's something, right?

i hope you like it and the new character that's gunna be introduced ;)

do you think he'll be a

good guy



please vote if you want to; this may actually determine what he'll be. or maybe i'll just figure it out in my own and see what you guys think they'll be.

anyways; hope you enjoyed this! i don't feel like editing this one so sorry for any grammar mistakes.

please make sure to leave comments, vote and read on for bad guy?.

Bad Guy? [Jikook + Vmin]Where stories live. Discover now