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"so...he's a genius who makes an iron suit to fight villains and then leads with that?"

jimin, taehyung, and jungkook has finished their 4-movie-10-comic-book-binging. it was almost 2 in the morning by the time jimin asked this question.

"more than that!! he's the core and leader of the marvel superheroes! he's the guy who keeps everyone stable and makes connections with the government and all. iron man is truly the best superhero of all," jungkook ranted. "how could you only pick that much up from these movies?"

jimin shrugged. "i just summarized what i saw and what you just said. i just don't see the great appeal over your obsession. to be honest; i wanna see more of that spider-man character in the last movie we saw. what was it...civil war...?"

jungkook's jaw dropped; making taehyung burst out laughing.

"you have good taste, jimin. i like peter parker way more than tony stark," taehyung smiled. "besides; iron man is kinda like spider-man's mentor. so, at least he didn't say one of his enemies, kook."

jimin nodded and chuckled at jungkook's crossed arms and angry face. he looked like a cute, pissed off bunny with the way his nose crinkled.

the raven haired male suddenly realized how weird it was for him to keep staring; so he quickly turned his attention into taehyung.

"can we watch spider-man next? he seems better," jimin remarked.

"you two just don't know good content when you see it! iron man is the best super hero of all time. this was a wasteful 7 hours if you don't see that," jungkook ranted and shook his head in disbelief.

jimin smiled. "alright, alright. i do think iron man is cool, okay? i just can't make an entitled opinion without knowing the rest of the marvel characters, that's all." jimin explained; making jungkook lighten up a little.

"alright; we'll have another movie night tomorrow...or, today...and watch spider-man! by the end of these binges you'll see no one surpasses the great tony stark," jungkook smiled with his bunny teeth.

"what?? tonight's too soon...i can't stay up this late every night," taehyung whined. then, his mind realized what could happen. "how about just the two of you have a movie night?"

jungkook and jimin tensed you. just the two of them? they'd always been a awkward when it was just the two alone. taehyung was someone they both knew better than each other; therefore, made it easier to talk around each other for some reason. but they never thought of just having just the two of them.

"sure," jungkook spoke. jimin being surprised would be an understatement.

"really...?" jimin quizzically looked at jungkook. he couldn't and wouldn't believe he did this just out of "the kindness of his heart."

"yeah. i'm down for spider-man and i don't usually fall asleep quickly anyways," jungkook looked back to jimin. "besides; it's honestly sad how you only know iron man from the marvel universe just because we showed you him."

jimin waved him off and shrugged. "i guess so," he simply stated and leaned back against his bed. "now, if you two don't mind; i'd actually like to get a little sleep today. it's been long..." jimin glanced down at his still bruised and cut foot; then at the two princes who nodded in understanding.

they gathered their belongings with jimin's help and bid goodnight to him as they walked out of the room; closing the door behind them.

"ah, i didn't think you'd do it. thank you, jungkook," taehyung smiled respectfully at the younger as the other rolled his eyes.

"well...just make sure to pay me the 20 bucks after i've hung out with him tomorrow, okay?" jungkook spoke and taehyung nodded. he looked down as he walked.

truly, he did actually like spending time with jimin that night/morning. the elder was funnier than he thought and actually showed emotion other then resentment towards him. he just...didn't want taehyung pestering him about how we was coming around to the smaller. he'd never hear the end of "i told you so"'s and "i was right all along." so, jungkook pretended he was in it just for the money. which, was a good turn up for the situation. even princes like earning cash; who doesn't?

but only if he hadn't done it right outside jimin's door. right where the elder could hear their not-so-quiet-tones voices. they were honestly stupid in jimin's head. if they wanted to talk shit about him like everyone else; they could've at least waited until they were at the end of the hall.

jimin looked thinking people actually liked him. liked hanging out with him; liked talking with him. but no. he was foolish to think any of this could be real and not some kind of idiotic bet.

the boy wiped a tear that ran down his face. he's never felt so alone in his life. at moirae; at least he had people that would want to hang out with him and talk.

jimin layed down in the darkness and didn't even try to hold in his tears for once. it was time he had his first real, good cry since he's got here. tears poured down his face and he truly felt out of place in the foreign land. he still hasn't gotten used to this different place; and it was finally staring to get to him.

jimin woke up by the bright light that shined into the window. his face stung from the dried tears on his face and his chest hurt from his jagged breathing last night.

his eyes only half open; he looked to the clock.


the male sighed and decided to get up instead of rest. his head throbbed for some odd reason, and his foot was hurting badly. he should've taken the pills the doctor gave him.

instead, he limped his way of of the room and to the bathroom next to his room. locking the door; he began to splash water on his face so it didn't look like a complete mess.

he sighed and tightened his grip on the counter until his knuckles turned white. he felt horrible and definitely not up to seeing anyone; even the princes.

but, alas, the universe didn't seem to be on his side.
hola señoritas

okay so i've been updating every 3-4 days now? i wanna tru to stick to this schedule. if not, 6 days will most likely be the most to wait. i hope i can actually stay on this schedule for once and hope you all still like my crappy writing!

EDIT: omfg i just listened to map of the soul 7 and every single song was absolute FIRE

vmin's song? the vocal line? the rap line? all the solo songs? the whole album?? my friggin god—

(srry had to add this)

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