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and jungkook officially connected their lips.

jimin was completely off-guard and utterly surprised at the prince's move. his lips were just as soft as he thought they'd be. they fit perfectly with his plump lips and weren't full of lust, but of admiration.

the smaller closed his eyes and sunk into the kiss. he held jungkook's wrist and put his other hand behind the back of his neck to pull him in deeper. he kissed him deeply as their lips moved in sync with each other.

the world seemed to close down to a black abyss; with only jimin and jungkook there. the kiss was so unexpected but felt so right and has been long overdue.

jungkook moved his hands from jimin's face to the boy's waist. he wrapped them around the boy's slender waist and pulled him closer. his one hand traveled up the clothed back of jimin; sending tingles down the male's spine.

their breaths started to beg for a deep breathe of fresh air, but they didn't want to let go in fear of two things.

1. the feeling was so good that neither wanted to pull away. the taste of their lips on each other was so bittersweet it felt like a sin to break away.

2. if they broke apart, who'd know what the other would do? maybe they'd never get a chance to be like this ever again. maybe this was their only chance to kiss the other before their time was up.

but, the need to breathe outshined both reasons.

they broke apart and panted heavily; their faces still less than an inch apart from each other. their faces were a dark shade of red and they looked extremely out of breathe. jungkook was leaning into jimin a lot and refused to back away.

they just sat there; trying to catch their breathes together. and not quite sure what to do next.

jimin quickly stood up; out of jungkook's arms and looked everywhere but the prince. he rubbed the back of his neck as his heart rapidly picked up.

"i-i-i gotta g-go..." he ran as quickly as he could away from the spot they sat at. he had to get away from jungkook ... he just had to.

"jimin..." jungkook muttered as he watched the boy run away. once the boy was out of sight; he looked down to his hands that trembled slightly from the sudden excitement in him.

oh my god ... i could've never imagined the kiss between us being that amazing ... jungkook thought. he touched his lips delicately with his two fingers; missing the other pair of lips on them already. although the was exhilarated with the fact he got a kiss from jimin; he couldn't help but fear what what happen to their relationship.

that kiss officially ruined their friendship; that's for sure.

jimin sped walked through the halls like something was running away from something. well, he was running away from jungkook.

he looked down as he moved and everything that just happened stayed put in the front of his mind. his heart sped quicker and his blush got deeper.

jungkook has stop his first real kiss.

one that wasn't forced, but wanted.

his hands started shaking. then his arms. then his chest. them is abdomen. then his thighs. then his legs, until his whole body was a shaking mess. he eventually couldn't even walk that fast because of how much he was shaking.

and what of? was it fear that they'd never do that again or would never look at each other the same? or was it happiness that something really good actually happened or how jungkook wanted to kiss him too?

or was it because he also wanted to kiss the other prince, too?

taehyung rounded the corner and smiled at the sight of jimin walking down the halls.

"jimin!" he picks his pace up and foes over to jimin; who cutely lifts his head up with confusion at first, then smiles.

"hey tae," he said. taehyung noticed how red jimin's face looked up close.

"are you feeling unwell? do you have a cold?" taehyung asked worriedly as he examined jimin more closely. the boy started becoming uncomfortable under his eyes trailing all over his body. he knew it wasn't in any romantic way; it just felt ... weird.

jimin shook his head. "i'm fine. the wind outside probably made my face a little red; that's all."

taehyung simply nodded, but still severely examined the smaller. no way his face is that red from wind he thought to himself.

"... well; the cooks made some tofu and vegetable soup. maybe it'll get you warmer and cool your face down?" taehyung smiled and was starting to walk slowly to the dining hall himself.

jimin nodded and walked along with taehyung. he was dealing with contradicting feelings for the two princes; but a boy gotta eat.

jimin stuffed the soup down his throat. he hadn't realized he didn't have breakfast until he smelt the intoxicating smell of the soup. the smell couldn't be the delicious taste of the food, though.

taehyung ate at a normal pace and didn't fail to smile at jimin's eating habits. every meal he ate with jimin he saw the boy scarfing down his meal like it was the last one he'll eat.

the prince turned his attention towards the dining halls' doors opening. in walked his step-brother who was glued to the floor.

"hey, kook. wanna way with us?" taehyung smiled and jungkook looked up and froze. taehyung followed his line of vision to jimin who stared right back. his cheeks were a bit puffy from food left in his mouth. taehyung thought it was adorable, but decided to address the awkwardness in the air beforehand.

"what's wrong?" he asked; looking between jungkook's and jimin's intense stare-off. they seemed to ignore taehyung's question; for they didn't answer or even look his way. "guys ... ? why the staring?"

jimin then looked away and stood up from his chair. "i-i-i better g-go ... i'm f-finished a-anyways ..." then, he sped walk out of the dining hall; starring clear of jungkook in the process.

taehyung watched him leave and heard the door close and echo behind the male's leave. the prince stood up and stared at jungkook; who changed his looked to the leaving doors.

"what was that?"
i've been writing these chapters so quickly like honestly proud of myself.

we're actually getting some action up in here so that's amazing🤙🏻

i hope you like this as much as i enjoy writing this book :)))))

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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