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author's pov
"ngh—" jimin bit on his lip as jungkook got the last glass shard out. the prince gathered the shards into a bowl and sighed as he threw the last one in.

"we need to get you to a doctor. i can't patch you up as good as our doctor can," jungkook pointed out; wrapping jimin's foot up to his best ability.

"alright..." jimin sighed; still catching his breathe from all the pain. "...but can he come here? i don't think i can walk..."

jungkook nodded and stood up. "i'll be right back. don't walk while i'm gone; i'm serious. you already lost a lot of blood."

jimin nodded and rested his back on the chair; his bad foot resting atop his left knee. his eyes were droopy since it was still early in the morning and the pain wave was starting to take over.

the door barley opened before he was out.

jungkook jogged over to the doctor's office in the castle. he didn't want to worry anyone around the halls; since there were more roaming around than before. but he also didn't want to leave jimin with a bleeding foot alone for too long.

he eventually arrived at the doctor's office and barged i'm rudely.

the doctor jumped a little at the sudden sound. he was clearly just setting up for the day and for in a minute ago; not ready for the problem jungkook had at this early in the morning.

jungkook quickly got the doctor caught up with the situation and started bringing him back to jimin's room. the doctor brought the necessary supplies for fixing the young male up.

the prince almost stopped abruptly when he saw jimin's door opened.

he walked faster and pulled the annoyed doctor along. when they got into the room; they saw taehyung shaking jimin's head while trying to wake him up.

"jimin?!?! jimin...!!" taehyung kept saying. not in a worry yell; but not in subtle talk either.

jungkook pushes taehyung off without saying a word and told the doctor to patch up his foot. his heart was racing at the scene of a limp jimin in the chair.

the doctor finished patching up jimin's foot and fixed his round bifocals.

"here are two bottles of meds. he should take the tablet for pain relief and the liquid for the headaches he'll have when he wakes up. he's lost a good amount of blood; i presume he's not always this pale," the doctor examined while looking directly at the princes. the two listened intently to his instructions in return. "he'll most likely be a bit woozy when he wakes up; but not enough to make his pass out if he takes these meds. the boy hasn't lost enough blood to have to have more inserted into him. just make sure he gets a lot of rest and doesn't walk on his foot."

the doctor glanced at the two to and saw each nod; indicating they understood. he nodded and bid farewell to the boys. they said their thank you's and good-bye's, as-well.

after the doc left; taehyung sighed and stood up. the two had their shoes on to avoid the glass on the floor. they'd definitely have maids in soon to clean it up to avoid more bloodshed.

"what happened?" taehyung asked; looking to jungkook. he hadn't really gotten the full story yet.

jungkook stood up, too; and started explaining. "i'm not quite sure. by the time i got in here his foot was bleeding with glass shards in it. obviously he stepped on the glass; but i'm not sure why there was glass," he shook his head. "i still helped him pull the glass out from the bottom of his foot and then went to get a doctor to patch it up."

the two had no idea that there was even a rock thrown in. jimin had thrown it back out before jungkook walked in.

taehyung huffed and looked back at jimin. "he needs to lay down."

"we can't put him on his bed. it's too high and he'll automatically try to climb down once he wakes up," jungkook pointed out.

taehyung sighed again and thought long and hard. this whole situation was just plain odd. there's no way the fucking wind could've crashed the window. there's had to be something that made the glass come through. and what would they do about  jimin's bed? they may have to get him a new one since jimin probably won't be able to use this one for a little bit.

"we should get some people in here to move the bed around, too. until then he can stay in one of the smaller guest bedrooms," taehyung spoke. this was the best option he could think of. they stood awkwardly for a second.

"how are we...um...gunna get him there...?" jungkook scratched the back of his neck and looked down at the ground; slowly pacing the room. he knew what the answer was most likely going to be.

taehyung blushes a little and turned to the unconscious jimin. "i-i-i'll carry him..."

he then walked over and hoisted the boy into his back. his hands secured the boy underneath his thighs. the male's head rested on tae's right shoulder; which made the prince blush even more.

"...which room should we take him to?" jungkook asked to break the awkward silence; and tae simply standing around and blushing with the boy on his back.

"the closest," taehyung gulled; then walked out of the room to find the nearest guest bedroom that shouldn't be too far away.

jungkook stayed behind to examine the scene. the fact of what exactly broke the glass still bugged him. he surmised it wasn't some accent why jimin's window was the specific one that was broken.

he looked and searched all around the room. under tables, in between cushions, cracks of the floor; but to no avail. he finally gave up and called it a day. he decided to just find the nearest group of maids and have them clean up the mess. and maybe also some more to help with a new bed. and then, of course; see jimin after.

that's when he realized how much taehyung was blushing when he picked the boy up. his step-brother's face looked like a cherry. but, the prince ignored the so called "foolish" thoughts and continued on his way for a maid to help him.

but now the thing bugging him wasn't the glass; it was that he didn't get to carry jimin.

anyways i've been watching bts mv's for hours now and i'm not ashamed


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