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jimin's pov
"good-bye, jimin. i'll see you tomorrow or the day after that."

i was just outside his bedroom door as he was saying his farewells to me.

"alright. see you later," i spoke; hearing the door close a couple seconds after i walked away from it.

strangely; i walked away feeling content. i didn't actually have the worst time with hyunjin. i don't know if it was because he had a bad side like me; or maybe because it was good to finally be able to talk about home again without being judged. he actually was extremely interested and nodded along; throwing a few mhm's in there aswell.


i almost stopped in my tracks thinking about it. it hadn't been that long since i've come here; has it? i wanna day its only been around 2 weeks; maybe shorter.

it seemed no matter how long i stay here, though; it'll never truly feel like my home. lonnex is far more superior and classier than skimpy moirae. back home; people are either scared, inspired, or (very rarely)  a different emotion that definitely isn't friendly. the first two are basically all of them; but you have some wong runjin situations for the last. just the stupid name makes my whole body want to jump out of its skin.

furthermore; lonnex is...just better. you have a house in moirae, but a home in lonnex. a care-taker in moirae, but a mom in lonnex. and for every one like me in moirae; there's a kim taehyung in lonnex.

or even a jeon jungkook. but only sometimes will i admit that.

i was rudely snapped out of my thoughts when i bumped into someone.

"ah; s—"

"watch it, fucker; this is a new uniform," a sappy guard spat.

and for every asshole in moirae; there's an asshole in lonnex. you can't seem to ever get away from them.
author's pov
jungkook contently sat in his spacious room and sat at his drawing desk. he was sketching something unknown that just seemed to want to get out of his head and he created with lead and paper. some lofi music played softly in his airpods; enough to make him relaxed to draw properly.

the boy had been doing this ever since jimin was taken away him from hyunjin. he didn't feel like being with a winey taehyung; so he decided to destress with drawing.

he suddenly was interrupted by his blissful escape from the world (if only for a few minutes). voice that started out muffled sooner grr louder and louder; the finely calling for the prince being one after the person ripped one airpod out.

"what?!" jungkook groaned agitated; turning around only to be met with the king himself's gaze. he immediately started forcing his anger down so his father wouldn't see it as he stood up. "f-father."

"that's no way to speak to your father, jungkook. you need to start leaning some manners if you ever want to be king someday," the king sighed. jungkook rolled his eyes and groaned at the thought of being king.

of course, being king sounds great. you get to stay in the grand master sweet, everyone looks up to you, you live in a grand palace, and get to order people around. but, if looked upon closer; these things aren't as good as they seem. sharing the grandmaster sweet with someone you are arranged with to marry. jungkook and taehyung's parents met after their spouses were deceased; and even then it took a lot of of the king to get people to agree that it was alright to marry a nobody like the woman. but, that was extremely rare; and most likely would never happen in jungkook's case. everyone looks up to you to run the kingdom. all decisions are yours; you are the final rule maker. the fat of the kingdom would rest on jungkook's shoulders; and that's a pretty big burden to hold. you live in a grand palace. but is money and luxury truly everything? wouldn't it better to be a peasant and love your life then a rich asshole and hate your life? you get to order people around who don't even deserved to be ordered around. and, besides, that sounds controlling no matter how you put it.

to sum it up; jungkook absolutely 150% hated with all his being when his father would mention his taking the throne someday.

"yes, i will."

but, jungkook still couldn't muster up the confidence to tell his father that he didn't want to become king and if he did; he'd leave straight away. he couldn't tell his father that he would be putting the jeon dynasty to an end because he didn't want to do something.

nevertheless, jungkook always let those thoughts pass to the back of his brain temporality when he saw the glee on his father's face.

the king's expression soon fell serious again as he straightened his posture a bit.

"jungkook; the royal board has found it an appropriate time to ask around about our....guest." he spoke sophisticated like. "they want to know how he'd doing; especially after that whole hwang fiasco one or two days ago."

jungkook almost yelled in jimin's defense when his father spoke; but he kept it in. he knew sometimes it was better for him just to keep his mouth shut; no one would believe him anyway.

"i've only seen good in him, father. he hasn't caused any sign of trouble or mischief."

alright, maybe some mischief; but any kind would be considered bad by the royal board. especially the queen herself. she didn't seem to like taking chances with dangerous things like the people of moirae. he wanted so badly just to explain how moirae people may be scary ((maybe extremely as some points)), but they can also be very kind.

"really? are you sure? i find it hard to believe he's only had only one sign of bad behavior," his father thought aloud. jungkook was about to defend jimin when his father continued speaking. "or maybe he's been keeping it in and finally blew up on hyunjin... yes! it definitely is. thank you, jungkook; you've been an extreme help."

and with that, the king was gone. the prince couldn't get anything out of his mouth that he wanted to. not over his father's booming voice, that is.

he simply sat back down at his drama wing desk. he sighed and put his earbuds back in and picked up his pencil; getting ready to draw.

but his hand froze.

he finally looked at and analyzed what he was drawing. finally realizing what it was. 

it was jimin.
boi okay hello there; back with another update :)

bro my friends have been flipping out about chick-fil-a recently and i'm over here having a peanut allergy not being able to eat it—

((that was stupid but i also don't regret it))

anyways; i hoped you enjoyed this chapter and more to come!^^

please be sure to leave comments, vote, and read on for bad guy?.

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