i'm so sorry

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hello guys; i'm alive.

so today is my birthday and i realized how long it's been since i've posted on this story and i feel really bad; so let me catch up a little bit.

first off, we hit over 10k! thank you guys so much for all the wonderful reads and sticking with me through my odd and crazy schedule of writing this fanfic; it means the world to me. i have been looking through the comments and how high the reads have been getting and it makes me very happy and guilty at the same time. 

i must say that i do have a plan all worked out for the upcoming chapters; i just have to put it into more words than just a tiny paragraph. hopefully since i have the rest of the chapters all figured out; it'll be easier to upload and write. 

uploads. now, since i know my procrastinating self can't stick to a schedule (especially now that i have school starting tomorrow) and that i just can't think of the right words sometimes. so i think i'll be trying my hardest to type and finish the rest of the chapters and uploading all of them at once so it's nice and neat; tied in a bow finished! but i don't know how long that's going to take; so i'll have to see.

i've basically taken my whole summer vacation off from writing this fanfic and it's given me a lot of freedom because i used to worry a lot about the deadlines i set for myself with this story. to be honest, i'm really looking forward to ending it and being done. i do love this story, don't get me wrong, but i'd like to write another that's more well planned out and has a better writing style than this one because, let's face it, nothing in this story was nice and neat. it's been a span of over a year now i think since i've come up and uploaded this story so i don't even really remember the first 50 chapters haha.

i've gotten a new computer and threw my crap one out; so hopefully it'll be a better writing experience than before and will push me to write more often than not. i have the 66th chapter already half written so now i just have the rest to do!

this is probably not the best time to post this since, again, school is starting and all which will procrastinate the ending to this story even more, but you never know! i got my fingers crossed that it'll all work out.

omg happy birthday to mr. jeon jungkook who's frickin 23! like what is this? who allowed him to become this old? and mr. kim namjoon who's almost 26! i'm honestly concerned that i'm simping over a band who's youngest member is 8 years older than me, but who cares :).

until next time, which will hopefully be soon, i'll see you guys. again, thank you for over 10k reads it's honestly an amazing accomplishment and i hope it grows more along with my stories to come! and thank you if you read all of this because my tiny brain would most likely not. if you didn't, i don't blame you haha!

hopefully i'll see you guys soon, but for now, i'll see you in the next chapter!

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