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"wh-what ...?" jimin's voice was small now. not as confident as it once was before the yelling. it reminded him of his mother whenever she didn't want him in the house (which was quite often).

"i said get. out." the queen gritted through her teeth. she was very repetitive with the words she used, but they were more effective and punched jimin in the face.

jimin stood still for a minute or two. his ears only heard muffled screams of the queen as she's been yelling at him. he didn't know if he should leave or tell her off or go to taehyung and jungkook.

thankfully, jimin was having a little bit of good karma today.

"mom! what're you doing??"

the familiar deep voice made jimin's shoulders less tense and his heart's erratic beat turn back to normal. he watched as taehyung entered the room with great confusion and a hint of anger in his face.

"this does not involve you, taehyung," the queen held her head up high and tried not to loose her temper in front of her son. "i'm the queen and i say i'm not comfortable with having this ... this ... deviant in my household."

"of course this involves me then! it was my idea to get jimin here! and i don't want him to leave! he's done nothing wrong!" taehyung went in front of jimin in almost a protective state.

"haha, oblivious, my boy," the queen chuckled bitterly. "this boy hasn't changed from the delinquent he was on moirae island."

"pfft ... and what would you know? you never are around him to even give him a chance. don't just take rumors as the truth without considering the actual person, mom," taehyung narrowed his eyes at his mom.

the mother and son were obviously trying to hold their anger back from each other; not wanting to snap. jimin gulped and wanted to help; wanted to say something that would make this fight all go away. but he couldn't think of anything. because he did, in fact, kiss jungkook.

"i don't need to; i know what kind of boy he is. besides, i had a witness to his crime," she said in a 'matter-of-fact' way.

now this is what got jimin confused.

they've only kissed twice; once in the garden and once in his room. no one could've obviously seen them in his room, but he didn't see anyone around the garden and the helpers didn't usually come out at that time of day. he couldn't pin point an exact time on where someone could've seen them.

"and what 'crime' is that?" taehyung questioned rudely.

jimin's blood turned cold. his breathing was becoming more erratic. the queen would tell what she heard, taehyung would know, jimin would pass out.

he had to act quick.

"um ... your highness?" all three of them looked at the corridor to see a poor, young maid playing with her fingers. her voice was probably only heard because of the pause of their talking in the room. "the king has requested for you to meet him in his office."

"well tell him i'm dealing with something important, girl," the queen snarled back. but the young girl wouldn't led up.

she looked down and everywhere to avoid eye contact with the queen. "he said it was very important ... your highness ... he needed you there straight away."

the queen looked at her; confused. "and what is this about?"

the girl glanced from the queen, to jimin, and back to the queen. "i can't tell you here."

taehyung have her a questioning look and realized it was because of jimin. he breathed out harshly in an attempt to suppress his anger.

unconsciously, while seeing this, jimin grabbed the wrist of taehyung's left hand that was behind him. he held it tight in hopes this would calm taehyung down.

thankfully, taehyung wore a light smile and began to calm down. he moved jimin's hand from his wrist to his hand and held it tightly.

"i'll come then," the queen nodded and looked back at the two. "but don't think this means you're getting out of this, punk."

then she left, and jimin let out a breathe he didn't realize he was holding. taehyung quickly turned around and embraced the smaller in his arms.

"i'm so sorry for her ... she can be a real bitch sometimes, y'know?" taehyung chuckled, trying to make jimin feel less stressed.

"... if what she said true?" jimin began, voice shaking a little. "do i ... do i have to leave ...?"

taehyung's eyes widened and he moved back to look at jimin, grabbing the boy's shoulders and looking straight into his eyes. "no! of course not! you're my guest; so i decided where you go and i say you stay here."

jimin smiled warmly at taehyung; making the taller's smile widen immensely.

jimin was comforted by the kind words although he knew they weren't true. taehyung wasn't the king; hell, he want even the heir. and even the heir probably couldn't stop this. if he could, jungkook would probably have everyone who said something bad about him to moirae island themselves.

"dinners starting in a couple of minutes, wanna come?" taehyung motioned to the door.

"i don't know ..." jimin rubbed the side of his arm. he didn't want to quarrel with the queen again so she can finish throwing him out.

"god, i'm fucking stupid. after that just happened and i just asked you that ..." taehyung was muttering under his breathe; talking to himself more than jimin. "well; i'll eat in here with you."

"no, tae, go. i know you haven't eaten just the four of you in quite a while. go have a nice family dinner," jimin has a forced smile. taehyung was about to protest, but jimin was already pushing him out the door. "and i don't wanna see you until you've finished your plate! besides, i got some netflix binging to do."

taehyung hesitates, but nodded and left jimin there anyways.

jimin closed the door to his bedroom; not knowing that that would be the last time he talked to taehyung for awhile.

the queen followed the young girl down the halls that lead to the king's office.

"what is this all about, anyways? what's so important?" the queen asked. "the insect isn't here anymore so you can tell me."

the girl nodded. "well, it's actually about the 'insect', your highness." she paused to make sure the queen was still listening. "his mother is calling you two. she says she wants her son back."

omfg i literally got too caught up in that fanfic aGaIn so this is soooo sloppy.

b u t there's bouta be some tea going on in the nest chapter or two. sooooo be prepared for some juicy conflict. ✌🏻

lil rant an online school cause u can never trust technology: i stayed up till a whole 4 am last night working my ass off for 4 hours on this assignment and my computer died and so did my work and myself. :)

anyways peace out and good luck ✌🏻

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