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jimin and jungkook sat in silence for awhile. both too awkward to say anything because of the little event. they were both lost in thought and stared at the flowers in attempt not to stare at each other. the cool wind blew everything at a steady pace, and jimin could fall asleep to the motion.

"this is nice," jimin suddenly spoke softly out. jungkook's head turned to jimin; who's eyes were closed and was almost swaying along with the breeze. "the cool breeze, the smell of the blossoming flowers, no chaos enduing ... i wish it could be like this all the time. wouldn't that make everything easier?"

jungkook smiled sadly at the boy. he could obviously that the boy was dealing with some internal battle. some between past traumas, some having doubts that being in lonnex isn't actually real; but the most concerning being his mother was the constant calls. jungkook just knows she's trying to drag jimin down to evil again. which did not make jungkook happy.

lately, he's been having his heart speed up near jimin. speed up to a dangerously fast pace. and every time jungkook looks at jimin for too long; he can almost feel himself leaning in.

but, he caught himself. because if he let that happen; it's absolutely crush their slowly progressing friendship. it's at a good point where they actually talk to each other without feeling like strangers. and jungkook is fine with staying that way.

well, he keeps telling himself.

jungkook decides to answer since he's been quiet for awhile.

he chuckled and looks down. "if only we lived in a non-chaotic world. but, sadly; that seems impossibly in today's times ..... sometimes chaos can be good, though."

jimin looked up at him quizzically. "how so?"

jungkook looks into his eyes and smiled softly. "chaos brought you here, hasn't it?"

jimin's face goes red and he ends up getting caught into jungkook's eyes again. they're like an abyss that keeps calling for him. they keep wanting him to just look and stare forever.

jimin smiled and giggled childishly and pushed jungkook's shoulder gently. "don't get all sentimental on me, jeon."

he looked to his left so jungkook couldn't see his blush and tried to calm down his heart that jungkook could probably hear beating.

jungkook went to look back forward, too. he shouldn't be acting like this; not to jimin.

but he still felt something. he still wanted to stare at jimin. he still wanted to touch his soft skin. he still wanted to kiss his plump lips.

jungkook's face heated up even more at the thought. he hadn't really thought too much into these feelings ... was it really ... love?

jimin had the same doubts. except, it wasn't if he loved jungkook or not (even though he wasn't quite sure of that either), but rather it he was truly good enough to be in such a well respected place like lonnex. he's been feeling the duties all of the royal family withhold recently; especially jungkook, who had less than a year before he become the true heir of the throne. he won't be crowned king until his father passes in years to come.

taehyung even had a role, jimin saw. the elder prince had the "privilege" of getting to be the visual of the royal family. the boy is much better than jungkook, he gathered. much more social, always smiling in public, how he communicated with the commoners so easily. maybe that's why the public liked him. he was the closest thing they had to having a commoner in the royal family.

the queen was an exception. as soon as she started to just date the king her personality changed drastically. she went from a poor, peasant mother to a rich, royal queen. the money and fame changed her; taehyung could tell. but taehyung was still a commoner boy at heart. he played small games with the less fortunate and would even sometimes (against his parents' will) handed out money to the small children. he was the definition of perfect in the public's eyes.

jungkook, on the other hand, was much more reserved and didn't have the strong-dictating personalities a king is supposed to hold. but, jimin couldn't see jungkook as anything but the sweet 17-year-old he was.

everyone was perfect. everyone looked and acted perfectly in the public. but jimin was held behind. he was like a small piece of dust in the shadows that wasn't recognized with the rose petals in the sun floating around.

it's not like he wanted to be recognized. he just wanted to be ... part of the kingdom. not as royalty or as a peasant; he'd be fine with being a homeless person if he could just be considered as equal in the eyes of the kingdom. but, he knew that's never happen. he knew that he couldn't do anything to change people's options. some were simply set in their ways

"jungkook," jimin began. he looked back at jungkook yet again. "... do you really think ... it's a good idea i'm here?"

jungkook's eyes widened and quickly looked at the boy. he nodded vigorously. "of course! jimin, i can't imagine not seeing you everyday! how could you even say that??"

jimin gulped and looked down. he was starting to believe that less and less everyday.

"Jimin, look at me," jungkook put both his large hands on each of jimin's cheeks and made him look up at him. They stared into each other's eyes yet again.

"you are an amazing person. i don't care if you came from moirae or whatever you did on there. your past doesn't define you! only actions right here, right now will change the moment. your past, your mom, your island; that doesn't show in you. only the sparks of light from everything shows because those are the good things you've decided to take from those dark times. anyone from moirae could've shown up here and caused havoc, but you haven't. not on purpose, of course ..."

jungkook paused. his hands started shaking slightly and his heartbeat quickened. their faces were too close ... they were staring too much and too deep. it was impossible for jungkook not to move forward.

"you're a prince, jimin"

and jungkook officially connected their lips.
bet all y'all weren't expecting that.

i HAD to add the good stuff in; the story was getting too boring.

well, now we had a nice, long, kinda drawn out jikook chapter with a bit of a cliffhanger. i typed this all up so quickly on my computer; so maybe that's the trick to being a nice, fast paced writer. who knows.

ANYWAYS jikook is happening, it's going on, they be kissing.

and i couldn't be happier about it :)

i also hope you guys liked the kind of early update. maybe the next will be a little longer? who knows i'm actually pretty excited to write the next chapter so let's see what happens👍🏻

please be sure to vote, leave comments, and read on for bad guy?.

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