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author's pov
jungkook moves as fast as his long legs could go. he ran past multiple butlers, chefs, maids, and servants basically. he ran and ran until he saw his step-brother almost at the door of the doctor.

"TAEHYUNG!" jungkook screamed and finally caught up to him; breathing heavily. "how....fast do you ....walk...?!"

taehyung chuckled a bit at jungkook's tired state. "i thought you had the better stamina out of the two of us?"

"fuck stamina; i'm faster than you," jungkook growled. he shook off his now feisty tone and reversed back to what he was here to say.

"anyways, did you tell the doc yet about jimin's...um...incident?" jungkook questioned.

taehyung shook his head. "i was just about to; why?"

"well, apparently jimin doesn't want you to. he says he's fine now."

taehyung smiled softly and shook his head. "he may say that, but i'm sure he's not. i know i'm not the only one who saw him, kook. don't you think the medic should at least check him out? i mean, he knows better than jimin."

jungkook took a minute to think. "b-but he sounded really mad when he thought you told him. and besides, this is his health to check, not yours."

taehyung stood still for a moment; deep in thought. he smiled softly after making his decision. "i'll go to his room and convince him, them!"

jungkook groaned as he watched his overly-confident step-brother storm towards the islander's room.

meanwhile, hyunjin took care of the multiple bruises on his face; but still kept the one jimin had made on his jaw.

he styles his hair as per usual; parting it in the middle. he threw on a black turtle neck with a black leather jacket over it. he had on black jeans with black high stood with a golden square on the side.

he glanced at himself one more time, lightly touching the bruise still hanging on his jaw.

after he flinched a bit from touching it; he smiled lightly.

"hey, jimin!" taehyung smiled brightly as he walked into jimin's room; knocking first, of course.

the smaller sighed at the entrance of the over-excited prince. he nonchalantly slumped in his chair and turned it around to face taehyung.

"did you tell anyone?" he was sure to get straight to the point; not wanting to waste any of his time.

taehyung shook his head; and was about to try to convince jimin when jimin himself cut him off.

"good; then there's nothing else to discuss," and turned back around.

"but there is, jimin. you looked really out of it back there; and not just a 'regular out of it'; if you understand my confusing words," taehyung mentally punched himself.

but jimin stayed silent. he waited a few moments; unintentionally taking a dramatic pause.

"taehyung. it's none of your business. i honestly thank you for trying to show me a good time with the ...magic...and all..." jimin made sure to say the m word lowly. "but this day didn't turn out how any of us expected; and i honestly just want it to be over and thrown into the past, okay?" he turned back around to face taehyung who kept a neutral face. "now, i know i can do that. but you need to make sure that you and your little brother can as well."

jimin waited for a response that never came. taehyung just stared at him; keeping his neutral face with a hint of displeasure.

the male just decided to turn around yet again and continue working on his art piece in front of him.

"jimin," taehyung spoke, making the other roll his eyes. "i know you want to forget about what happened...but this is actually serious. you had a full on panic attack..! i-i didn't know wh-what to do...a-and i don't want it t-t-to happen again..!" the prince held a stronge face, despite his stuttering words. "s-so i think it's b-b-best for you to see a d-doctor..."

jimin stood still. after a minute or so; only one word leaving his mouth:


"well, it was worth a shot, tae," jungkook patted the older's back. they were currently walking to their own rooms after the long day; it already being around 9. the skies were dark with numerous stars in the sky; everyone thinking god about how clear the night sky was.

"i just didn't expect him to be so cold about it," taehyung said grumpily; looking down at his feet as they walked.

jungkook sighed and looked down as well. "well, where he's from; he probably doesn't have psychological doctors. or even regularly qualified medical doctors. he probably either doesn't understand how this could help him tremendously or just wants to bury it deep down like he does everything else."

"everything else?" at this, taehyung looked up to his step-brother. "are you saying he hides everything inside?"

jungkook chuckled, only sparing a glance at the older's face before looking back down. "i didn't know it was such a mystery, tae. he obviously has a pretty deep past he's not telling us about. you don't spend 18 years on moirae island as the son of the head-honcho and not have a story to your name. c'mon; i thought you were smart." jungkook smiled.

taehyung turned away and looked forward, thinking about it.

i knew he was hiding some secrets...i didn't know if was all of them...taehyung thought. what if he never tells us these and slowly sinks into a hole of despair because of it? what'll happen if he never fully accepts everything?

taehyung's mind started to go to pessimistic thoughts; his heart starting to beet very quickly.

"i-i need to check on him...!"

and with that, taehyung sped off. he really didn't know who, he just thought he needed to see that jimin was okay.

jungkook was close to follow him; wanting to make sure he didn't say anything more stupid than usual.

but, by the time they got there; there was a small crowd.

there was around 4 knights, the king and queen, hyunjin's mom, and hyunjin himself. the 8 of them were looking inside, and taehyung and jungkook could easily hear the ruckus going on in the room.

"mom! what's happened?!" taehyung quickly asked, coming to her side and avoiding all eye contact with hyunjin as much as possibly.

the queen turned to look at her son with a saddened smile.

"i'm sorry, hunny; but your friend from the island has to go."

time to celebrate a nice half christmas and half hanukkah year :) ((mom christian, dad jewish. lowkey confusing in this household))

so since it's holiday break and i'm finally free from stupid high school ((thank the lords)); i'm gunna try posting more.


i'm not promising; cause i have a history of procrastination and not getting anything done; but i'll try for y'all :)

happy holidays everyone; just in case i don't post before christmas/hanukkah!

((and happy kwanza if you're into that))

please make sure to leave comments, vote and read on for bad guy?.

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