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This is a request

Warnings: Hybrid AU

Namjoon POV

I cower in the corner of the alley, trying to hide behind a trash can. I finally escaped my master, who was extremely cruel toward me.

"Hey, What are you doing back there?" A man crouches in front of the trash can. I try to move away from him, but fail. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?"

I shake my head, and sniffle. He's gonna take me back to my master. The man reaches out to pet my head. I flinch, but don't move away. If I move, he'll hit me. He grabs my collar, and reads it.

"No!" I pull away from him, and pull at my collar. The man helps me take it off.

"D-Did your owner hurt you? Is that why you're here?" He asks. I nod slightly. The man helps me stand, and leads me into a small house. He sets me on the couch, and grabs a first aid kit.

"I'm going to clean your wounds. Is that okay?" He asks. I nod hesitantly. He sits next to me, and gently cleans my cuts. "Who did this to you?"

"M-Master said that I-I'm not good. So h-he hit m-me a-and...did other things." I mumble. The man looks angry, so I flinch away. "Don't hit me! I'm sorry!"

"No, I'm not going to hit you. I'm just upset that someone would do such a horrible thing to you." He says. "Oh, I almost forgot. My nam is Seokjin."

"I-I'm Namjoon. But some people call me Joonie!" I smile slightly.

"Well Namjoon, I'm going to help you. I'll be your...caregiver. I don't like the term owner." He says.

"S-So, I have to call you master?" I ask.

"Of course not! Call me Seokjin, sweetheart." He scratches behind my ear. I purr, and lean into his touch.

"O-Okay." I say. He stands, and tells me to follow him.

"Since I live in a one bedroom place, you'll have to sleep in here with me. I can take the couch, and you'll take my bed." He says.

"N-No. I'll take the couch Mas- I mean Seokjin." I say. "C-Cause you saved me."

"Why don't we share the bed Joonie." He says. He hands me some clothes to change into. When I finish changing, we both lie on the bed.

"I'm going to protect you from that horrible person, Okay? I won't let them hurt you again." He says.

"Th-Thanks Seokjin-hyung."

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