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This is a request

Namjoon POV

Bangtan is on a break for a few months, so we decide to go on a vacation, to the beach.

"Joonie~!" My 7 month pregnant boyfriend whines, as he waddles over to me. Water drips from his hair, and he looks like he's about to cry.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I ask, from my spot under a shady tree.

"My back h-hurts." He sniffles. "A-And Yoongi splashed me with the w-water when I asked him not t-to."

"Oh, you poor thing." I coo. He sits between my legs, and leans back onto my chest.

"I'm hungry." He pouts, forgetting about Yoongi, and his back.

"What does my prince want, hmm?" I ask.

"I want a lot of things." He whines.

"Like what, babe?" I ask.

"I want a brownie, with peanut butter and jalapeños on it. And, a snickers bar with ranch." He frowns.

"That's nasty." I shudder.

"Stop judging me!" He almost bursts into tears.

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry, love. Let's wait a bit to eat, and I'll take you to the store to buy everything you want." I say.

"Promise?" He crosses his arms, a pout on his face.

"I promise." I gently rub his stomach. "Let's go to the water."

We both stand, and walk to the edge of the ocean. Seokjin just sits on the sand, and giggles every time a wave hits him. I smile at how cute my boyfriend is.

"Joonie, come sit with me!" He grins. I sit beside him, and take his hand.

"It tickles." He giggles, when another wave hits. The smile disappears, when a wave goes up to high, and hits him in the face. I let out a small laugh, but immediately regret my decision.

His shocked expression is replaced by a sad, and angry expression. He cries, and glares at me.

"W-Why did you laugh at me?!" He sobs.

"You fucked up this time, Namjoon." Hoseok laughs.

"Baby, I'm sorry." I try to hug him. He moves away from me, and over to Jimin, who holds him as he cries.

"These hormones are going to be the death of me." I sigh. "You guys can stay here. I'm going to take this one to the store, then home. He's tired."

"Stop talking about me, as if I'm not here!" Seokjin shouts, gaining the attention of a group of people.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I say. I help him stand, and lead him to the car. When we're seated, I have the driver take us to the supermarket, to get Seokjin's food. When that trip is over, I take him home.

"I'm still m-mad at you." Seokjin pouts.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Baby~! My beautiful boyfriend~!" I pepper his face with kisses.

"Shut up." He huffs. "I forgive you."

"Good." I smile, and rest my hands on his stomach. "Your Dad is being a little brat right now. But he'll get over it eventually."

"I'm going to hurt you." He glares at me. "Don't listen to a word he says, Seokjoon. Your Appa is being mean to me. He laughed at me today."

I watch, a small smile on my face, as Seokjin rants to our son. I love both of them so much. My perfect family.

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