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This is a request. Taehyung's last name is Jeon, because he and Jungkook are married.

Namjoon POV

"Namjoon, we have a call." My partner, Taehyung says. "Attempted burglary, on Bangtan Street."

(I don't know how the law works. I'm a 13 year old, I shouldn't have to know this😤😂.)

"Let's go then." I sigh. I drive to Bangtan street, where another police car sits. The man that attempted to rob the home, sits in the curb.

"Finally." Officer Park says. "You deal with the asshole."

"Fuck you, Officer Park." The man huffs.

"Stand up and put your hands behind your back." I say. "Kim Seokjin, you're under arrest for attempted burglary. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire."

"This is bullshit." He scoffs as I handcuff him.

"Deal with it." I say. I set him in the car, and hop into the driver's side.

We finally arrive at the police station, where Seokjin is taken in for questioning.

"Why'd you try breaking into that house?" I ask.

"I don't have to talk to you." He says.

"You may get a shortened sentence if you talk." I say.

"I tried breaking into that house to get a necklace. The necklace that my mother gave to me before she'd died. That house is my ex boyfriend's house. He kicked me out 3 days ago, and all of my stuff that I paid for, is in there." He says. "I'm not the bad guy. That prick is."

"You could've handled it a different way." I sigh. "We'll talk more, and see if what you came up with is the truth. If it isn't, you fucked yourself."

*Time Skip*

"We find the defendant, Kim Seokjin, not guilty." One of the jury members say. Seokjin smiles brightly.

"He is allowed to return to the house, and get his things. Anything that he'd paid for." Another jury member states.

"Thank you." Seokjin bows. Our eyes meet, and be nods politely.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being such an asshole a few days ago. I was just frustrated, with the whole situation." He says. "I'm truly sorry."

"Just don't let me catch you committing another crime." I chuckle. "You seem like a good person."

"I won't commit another crime." He says. "I'll see you around?"

"Wait. Before you go." I take a pad of paper and a pen from a nearby desk, and write my number. "Call me."

"Goodbye, Officer Kim." He takes the paper, and winks at me once before leaving.

God, I hope he calls me.

It probably sucked. I'm sorry.

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