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Namjoon POV

"Hyung?" I stand in the doorway of my boyfriend's study. Seokjin turns toward me, and raises an eyebrow.

"Why are you up, love? It's late, you should be sleeping." He frowns. I play with the hem of the oversized hoodie I'm wearing, feeling a bit shy.

"I-I has a nightmare." I blush, a small pout on my face. "It's cold without you. Please come to bed, hyungie?"

"I have to finish my work, darling." He says. "I'll be in the bedroom in a few hours.

"B-But it's already 11." I whisper.

"Joon, I'm not in the mood to argue with you. Just go back to bed, and leave me alone." He huffs. I sniffle, and attempt to hold back my tears.

"F-Fine. Sorry for bothering you." I rush out the door, and into our bedroom. I lie on the bed, and hold my alpaca plushie to my chest as I cry.

I've been really sensitive lately, because of nightmares and lack of attention. I'm just a very needy and clingy person.

After a few minutes I feel the bed dip, and a hand rests on my side. "Baby.....what's wrong?"

"Y-You don't love m-me anymore, d-do you?" I sob.

"Doll, What are you taking about?! Of course I love you. If you're talking about what happened just a moment ago, when I snapped at you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, sweetheart. Please stop crying, you're breaking my heart, baby." He strokes my cheek. I turn toward him, and bury my face into his chest.

"M sorry for being so sensitive." I sniffle. "It's probably annoying."

"No, it's not annoying." He kisses my forehead. "I don't mind, baby. Now give me a kiss, and we'll go to sleep."

I smile slightly, and pack his lips before returning to my original position. "Goodnight, hyungie."
"Night, baby."

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