46 (Part 2 of Chapter 45)

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Namjoon POV

After a few days of waiting to call Seokjin, I finally muster up the courage to dial his number.

"Hello?" He answers the phone.

"H-Hey hyung." I say.

"Namjoon." He says. "I thought you wouldn't call."

"I was definitely going to call. I just didn't have enough confidence to call you right away." I say.

"You're so cute." He chuckles. "Would you like to go out sometime? Like, a date?"

"I-I'd love to." I blush. "Any specific time?"

"Saturday, at I around 6pm? I'd have someone watch Yoongi. You never know what might happen after that date." He says, his voice becoming deeper. I can tell, that he's smirking.

"I-I can have Jungkook watch him." I say.

"Perfect. I'll see you later. I have to grade papers." He says. "Bye beautiful~"

"Bye hyung." He ends the call. I smile, and throw my phone on the bed. I have a date with THE Kim Seokjin.


"Ready to go?" Seokjin asks. I nod quickly, and grab my phone.

"Yeah. Yoongi is with Jungkook, inside." I say.

"Jinnie!" Yoongi squeals. He runs out of the house, and over to Seokjin.

"Hello Yoongi." Seokjin grins.

"Are you my daddy's b-boyfwiend?" Yoongi asks.

"Not yet, kiddo." Seokjin smirks up at me. "But I'll ask him eventually."

I blush, and send Yoongi back inside. "I'll see you later, Yoongi!"

"Bye-Bye daddy!" He shouts.

"We'll we walking. It isn't too far away. And...I left my car in the parking lot." Seokjin chuckles.

We make our way to a small park, one of my favorite places. He's set up a small picnic, next to the pond.

"You didn't have to do this." I blush. "We could've watched a movie or something."

"Well, you deserve the best, Namjoon." He says. We eat in silence, his hand on top of mine.

"Why'd you take an interest to me? I'm just a boring college student. Who's also a teen dad." I ask.

"You aren't boring, Namjoon." He smiles slightly. "You're very interesting. I've taken an interest to you, because you're kind, and such a hard worker. And you're also extremely gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

"Y-You really mean that? Everything you said?" I ask.

"I did." I hadn't noticed at first, but we'd started leaning closer to each other. Our noses are almost touching, and our lips are just a few centimeters apart.

He finally closes the distance between us, pressing our lips together. My fingers tangle in his silky brown hair, pulling his face closer to mine. The kiss starts to get heated, so I reluctantly pull away.

"You're all red. How cute." He smirks. "We should take this to a more...private place. I'll have Jungkook pick this shit up later."

He pulls me up off of the ground, and leads me to his car. About halfway through the drive to his house, a hand is placed on my thigh. I inhale sharply, at the contact.

Seokjin's hand starts moving up. I can see him smirking out of the corner of my eye.

"S-Stop the car." I say. He glances over at me, confused. "Just...listen."

He pulls into an empty parking lot, and turns to me. "Why'd you want me to stop?"

I unbuckle my seatbelt, and lean over the armrest to connect our lips. He responds immediately, pulling me over onto his lap.

"Are we really going to have sex in a car?" He mumbles, when I pull away for a moment.

"Looks like it." I say. He stares at me for a moment, before leaning down to mark my neck.

"F-Fuck, hyung." I whine.

"Hmm. You're already so needy." He chuckles, looking up at me with lust-filled eyes.

*The Next Day*

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, with arms wrapped around my waist. When I try to sit up, I hiss in pain.

"Sore, Hmm?" Seokjin asks. I turn to face him.

"Extremely. How big are you?" I pout.

"You're adorable." He smiles. "Yoongi is staying the night with a friend, right? Maybe you could stay here, and we could have some more fun."

"I have work tomorrow." I giggle. "But, if you're free on Tuesday..."

"That sounds amazing." He kisses my forehead.

"Wait, I don't wanna be fuckbuddies." I pout.

"Will you be my boyfriend, then?" He grins.

"Of course." I smile back.

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