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Namjoon's Kids:
Minji- 4
Hana- 1

Seokjin's Kids:
Sana- 3
Mina- 4 months

Namjoon POV

"Okay...I have no idea what I'm here for." I sigh. "Minji, sweetheart please don't touch that. Hana, no! We don't attempt to eat the cart!"

"Appa, can I get a toy?" Minji asks.

"One. That's it, okay? We'll get it after I finish grocery shopping." I say. It's hard to say no to her.

"Yay! Thank you!" She giggles. I walk around the store, confused.

"Minji, do we need milk?" I ask.

"Mhm! Hana drinked it all!" She says.

"Honey, the word isn't drinked. It's drank." I say.

"Drinked." She nods.

"Whatever." I chuckle. "So...milk, eggs, and a bunch of other shit."

"Appa, whats shit?" Minji asks.

"Shit." Hana repeats.

"No! That's a bad word, Minji." I say.

"Shit." Hana says again.

"Oh no." I sigh. Someone starts to laugh.

"I'm s-sorry, that was hilarious." He grins. "I'm Kim Seokjin."

"Kim Namjoon." I say.

"She'll stop saying it eventually." He says. "Hey, Sana don't walk too far! Come back here, please."

That's when I notice the carrier on his chest. There's a baby sitting in the carrier, giggling at everything. "Single father?" He asks.

"Hmm? Yeah. Their mother left as soon as Hana was born. Wanted nothing to do with her." I say.

"Ah. My husband was the same way. Well....he left me when I was pregnant with Mina." Seokjin says.

"Husband?" I ask.

"I'm Gay." He says. "I'm one of the few males that can carry children. So....yeah."

"Ah. I'm Pansexual." I say.

"Appa, can I get a toy now?" Minji asks.

"Only one. Grab one for your sister, too." I say. She rushes off down the toy aisle. Seokjin's youngest daughter looks up at me, and grins. She looks just like him.

"So....I'll see you around I guess?" I say.

"Wait. Here's my number. Maybe Sana and Minji could have a play date. I think they like each other already." He smiles, gesturing to the two girls. Sana and Minji are giggling, and messing around. I take the piece of paper, and smile.

"That sounds good."

*Four Months Later*

"I'm excited to see Sana, Appa!" Minji grins. "She's my bestest friend!"

"I'm glad you're excited, sweetheart. Jungkook and Taehyung will be watching you two, okay? Seokjin and I are going out." I say.

"W-What about Hana and Mina?" She asks.

"They'll be with Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin." I say. "Don't worry."

I drop Minji off at the Taekook house, before dropping Hana off at the Yoonminseok house. Seokjin meets me at a coffee shop, for a date. We've been going out for about two months now, but we aren't official. I plan on changing that tonight.

I walk into the coffee shop, and sit at our usual table. Shortly after I sit down, Seokjin walks into the shop.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late. Mina was being difficult." He smiles, leaning down to kiss me before sitting. He adjusts his glasses a bit.

"It's okay." I chuckle. "I wanted to talk to you, actually."

I hand him his drink. He takes it, and tilts his head. "About what?" He asks.

"Us." I say. "Do you want to...make things official? Maybe tell the kids about us?"

"Of course I do!" He grins.

We sit there and talk for a while, before going back to my house. "I love you." He mumbles. "I really do."

"I love you too." I connect our lips.

*Two Years Later*

"Appa, daddy needs your help!" Minji calls out to me.

"Hold on, I'm coming." I sigh. I walk downstairs, to look for my husband.

"Appa!" Hana and Mina squeal.

"Hello, my babies!" I smile. "Why don't you two go play with Sana and Minji. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah!" They giggle, rushing off to play with their sisters.

I walk into the kitchen, and frown. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I d-dropped it!" He sobs.

"Dropped what, honey?" I ask.

"M-My ring!" He cries. "I was doing dishes, and I dropped it on the floor, and I can't bend over to grab it!"

"Oh, darling!" I chuckle. "It's okay. Don't cry over that."

I pick up his ring and slide it onto his finger. He sniffles, and rubs his eyes. "Those pregnancy hormones are crazy, aren't they?"

"I'm s-sorry." He hiccups.

"Don't be sorry, love." I smile. "You look tired. Let's go take a nap. We can order food for dinner tonight. I know you've been craving pizza and milkshakes."

"Thank you, Joonie." He giggles.

"Girls, come here please!" I call out to our daughters.

"Yes, Appa?" They rush into the room.

"I want you girls to take a nap, okay? If you're good, you can have a small milkshake with dinner tonight. Deal?" I ask.

"Deal!" Minji and Sana rush off into their rooms. Hana and Mina waddle over to their room, and struggle to open the door. I lift them both up, and place them in their small beds.

"Now, lets get you into bed." I say to Seokjin. I help him walk into our bedroom, and lie on the bed.

"I'm sorry for being so emotional." He sighs.

"Don't apologize." I kiss his forehead. "You're pregnant, darling. With our baby boy."

"He's definitely lucky. He'll have four protective sisters." He smiles.

"And an amazing dad, too." I smile.

"Two amazing dads." He adds.

*2 Months Later*

"That was the worst 23 hours of my life." Seokjin sighs. "But also one of the best. I'm tired."

"I'm sure you are. 23 hours of labor is probably painful." I say. "But look at our baby. He's perfect."

I place the baby in Seokjin's arms. He smiles, a few tears running down his face as he kisses the baby's forehead. "He's definitely perfect."

"You did so well." I grin. "He's....amazing. I'm so lucky to have you, and our perfect family."

"Speaking of our family, where are the girls?" I ask, as I feed Seokjoon.

"With Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok." I say. "They'll see Seokjoon when we bring him home."

"Ah. Okay." He says. "Can I take a nap?"

"Of course you can." I say. "I'll watch him."

I take the baby from Seokjin, and place him in the bassinet. "Hey Namjoon?"

"Yes, love?" I look over at my husband.

"I love you." He smiles sleepily.

"I love you too."

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