12 (Part 2 of Chapter 9)

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Namjoon POV

I wait for Seokjin in my car, to pick him up from school. Even though we're dating, I'm still his bodyguard. I expect him to get into the car, happy and smiling like he always is. But today, he's frowning and sniffling.

"What's wrong Jinnie?" I ask my boyfriend. He just shakes his head and looks out the window. I decide to leave him alone, and drive back to his house.

As soon as I stop the car, he opens the door and runs inside. I lock the car, and rush after him. He closes his bedroom door in my face, before I can enter the room.

"Jin, baby open the door." I say.

"G-Go 'way." He sniffles.

"C'mon Jinnie. Please, open the door." I say. It's silent for a moment, before the latch clicks. I slowly open the door, and crouch next to the bed, where Seokjin is sitting.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask.

"Y-You don't really l-love me." He sobs.

"Honey, What are you talking about?! Of course I love you." I say.

"B-But people at school, s-say that you only like me c-cause I have a rich Appa." He sniffles.

"Baby, those people are lying. They're mean. I don't love you for your money. I love you because of your cute, childish personality, and your beautiful face." I say.

"R-Really?" He sniffles.

"Really. Do you want to know something else?" I ask. He nods quickly.

"You're the person that I plan on marrying. Even though we've only been dating for a week. You're my perfect prince, and I love you." I say. He grins at me.

"Y-You really wanna marry me one day?!" He asks.

"I do." I say.

"What's this talk about marriage?" Mr. Kim asks.

"A-Appa, Joonie said that he wants to marry me someday!" Jin bounces on his bed, happily.

"Did he?" Mr. Kim looks over at me.

"I did sir. I plan on marrying your son, in the future. If I have your consent, of course." I say.

"Ask me again in a few years, kid." Mr. Kim chuckles. "I'll be in my room."

"Joonie, can we cuddle?" Jin pouts at me. I lie on the bed, and allow him to rest his head on my chest.

"I really love you Namjoonie." He looks up at me.

"And I really love you."

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