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They're both 16.

Namjoon POV

"P-Please stop!" I whimper as my father slaps me across the face.

"Don't tell me what to do, bitch." Appa sneers. He kicks me to the ground. I hear something crack, and feel a sharp pain shoot up my ribs.

"Fuck!" Appa shouts. He begins beating me again. Eventually, he leaves me lying on the ground in pain.

"P-Phone." I mumble, reaching for the object.

Namjoonie💕: Come get me. Please, Jinnie I need help.

Hyungie🥺: Did that prick hit you again?! I'm on my way. Can you walk to the window?

Incoming Call
Accept Ignore

"J-Jinnie hyung, I cant stand." I whimper. "It hurts."

"Shit." Seokjin says. "Listen to me, honey. I need you to get to the closest window you can find. Okay? Wait for me there, and I'll come up to get you."

I slowly crawl to the window, wincing at the pain on my ribs.

"Hurry. P-Please hyungie. I'm scared." I sob.

"I'm outside, baby. Which window are you at?" He asks.

"I-I'm in the master bedroom." I hiccup. The big window."

"Damn. That's upstairs." He says. "I'll be right up, baby boy. Don't worry."

I sit by the window, worried. What if Appa catches Jinnie? The window is shoved open, and Seokjin climbs in.

"Oh my god." He cups my face in his hands. I sniffle, and look up at him with tear filled eyes.

"It h-hurts so bad!" I sob. "Make it go 'way!"

"Your ribs." He gasps. "I can't take you out of here through the window. We have to use the door."

"W-We can't!" I hid my face in his shoulder. "He locks the doors up really well."

"Okay. It's okay, darling." He shushes me. He lifts me up, and jumps from the window. He lands on his feet, but the jolt from hitting the ground makes me yell out, in pain.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "You'll be okay, love. You're so strong."

He carries me to his car, and sets me in the passenger side.

"KIM NAMJOON!" Someone shouts. Seokjin jumps into the car, and speeds away, toward the hospital. As he's driving, he picks up his phone and calls someone.

"Jimin, I'm bringing my boyfriend to the hospital. I need you to have everything ready. He's in so much pain." I look at Seokjin, shocked when I see a tear roll down his face. "Thanks."
He ends the call.

"Y-You're crying." I mumble. I try to wipe the tears from his face, but it hurts to move.

"Yeah, I'm crying." He sniffles. "I should've taken you from that hell hole ages ago. It's all my f-fault that you're hurt!"

"Stop it!" I wipe my eyes. "It isn't your fault. It's my Appa's. Please, hyung stop crying!"

He parks in a parking space close to the door. A nurse is already waiting with a wheelchair for me.

"W-Wait, hyung don't leave me!" I almost burst into tears, as the nurse starts to take me into a hospital room.

"He isn't allowed to be in the room during your checkup. We need to pop your rib back into place as well." The nurse says. "As soon as it's over, I'll send him in."

"Wait!" Seokjin rushes up to me, and gently presses our lips together. "I love you."

"I l-love you too, hyung."

*Time Skip*

"Why were you gone so long?" I ask. "The doctor said you could've entered the room 2 hours ago."

"I had to take care of some things, my love." Seokjin sits beside me. "Your Appa is in jail now. He will be for a very long time."

"Thank you, hyungie. For helping me." I say.

"Joon, of course I'd help you. It's my job as your boyfriend to protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. You'll be moving in with me, and my parents."

"I love you, Seokjin." I sniffle.

"And I love you."

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