52 (Part 2 of Chapter 51)

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Third Person POV

Namjoon's hand moves up Seokjin's thigh, and to his crotch.

"W-What are you doing?" Jin asks, trying to hold back a moan.

"Oh, nothing." Namjoon smirks. "Just enjoying the movie."

"What does the movie have to do with my dick?!" Jin whispers. "Keep your hands to yourself, hoe."

"Fine." Namjoon pouts, removing his hand from Jin's crotch. A few minutes of silence go by.

"Okay, fuck it." Jin slowly slides off of his seat, and kneels in front of Namjoon.

*Time Skip*

Seokjin POV

"I can't believe you did that." Namjoon says, AGAIN.

"It wasn't a big deal." I shrug.

"Jin, you gave me a blowjob in the middle of a movie theater. It is a big deal." Namjoon says. "But...I enjoyed it."

My phone rings, interrupting the conversation.

Incoming Call
Accept Ignore

"How'd it go?" Midnight asks.

"He's still here, Midnight." I chuckle. "But it went great. I think."

"You sucked his dick, didn't you?" She sighs.

"Yup." I say. Namjoon takes my hand, and leads me to the bus stop.

"I'm not surprised." Midnight says. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun~! Remember to use protection!"

"Shush!" I end the call, my face red.

"What was that about?" Namjoon asks.

"Midnight, telling us to use protection." I say. "Let's go back to my place. I think the girls are staying with their girlfriends tonight, so we'll be alone."

"Let's go then." He takes my hand and drags me to the bus stop.

*Small Time Skip*

Instead of having sex, we just lie on my bed, and cuddle.

"How long have you liked me?" Namjoon asks.

"Hmm...About 2 years I believe." I say. "How about you?"

"A year and a half." He blushes. All of the sudden, Elle bursts through the door.

"See, I told you they weren't having sex!" She shouts. Lav, midnight, and B poke their heads through the door.

"Guys~!" I whine. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Sorry." B shrugs. "We'll leave you two alone."

They all leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"You're so beautiful." I press my lips to Namjoon's cheek.

"Same to you." He smiles slightly.

"Are we going to be one of those gross, cheesy couples?" I ask. "We already act like it."

"Probably." He chuckles. "But I don't mind."

"Wait. Who tops and who bottoms?" I ask. "I mean, I'd like to wait to have sex until about a year into our relationship, but I'm curious."

"I think we'd switch. I can be dominant, and submissive at times." He shrugs.

"That works." I nod. We sit in silence for a while, before I lean forward and press my lips to his neck. I leave a trail of kisses down his neck. Not in a sexual way. I'm just marking what's mine.

"H-Hyung." He gasps, as I start sucking on his neck, just below his jaw.

"There. Now everyone knows who you belong to." I pull away from him. He takes his phone out, to look at the hickey.

"You added your initials?" He grins.

"Mhm." I tighten my grip on his waist. "When people look at you, they'll see my initials. So no one is going to take you away from me."

"I would never let anyone take me away from you. You own my heart." He says.

"And you own mine." I smile.

"Can we watch a movie, hyung?" He asks.

"Anything you wanna do."

It sucks, sorry. I didn't think I'd publish a chapter today, because I'd stayed up all night. I haven't been to sleep. And I'm upset as well. Like, I was staring at the ceiling, and I started crying for some reason.

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