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Seokjin POV

"J-Joonie...wuv dada. A-An' dada wuv Joonie." My little, Namjoon mumbles to himself, as he plays with his blocks. "Joonie, i-ish dada's baby."

"That's right. You're daddy's baby." I grin. He looks up at me, and covers his mouth with his hand.

"D-Dada no s'posed ta hear!" He gasps.

"Really? Well, I guess I'm magic." I say.

"H-Hawwy Potter!" He squeals.

"Sure, baby." I chuckle. "I'm Harry Potter."

"D-Does dat mean Joonie ish Dwaco?" He tilts his head. "C-Cause Hawwy wuvs Dwaco."

(If you don't ship drarry, I'm sorry🤭. But...DRARRY IS LIFE.)

"Joonie can be Draco." I say. I look at the clock, and smile. "It's lunch time, baby."

"Yay!" He giggles, as I lift him into my arms. "Joonie ish hungwy!"

I take the dinosaur nuggets out of the oven, and make a plate for Namjoon. "Here you go, love."

He grabs a chicken nugget, but pauses for a minute. "T-T'ank you daddy!"

"You're welcome, sweetheart." I smile softly. When Namjoon is finished eating, I pick him up and bring him into our bedroom for a nap.

"No tiwed." He whines. "No no nap!"

"Don't you start arguing with me, Kim Namjoon." I say, my voice stern. "It's nap time."

"B-But daddy neber takes nap wif Joonie." He huffs, tears welling up in his eyes. "J-Joonie lonely."

"Oh, baby don't cry." He lets out a small sob, and hides his face in my chest.

"D-Daddy no leabe Joonie." He cries.

"Honey, I'm not gonna leave you. Daddy will take a nap with you, Okay? Will that make my baby feel better?" I ask.

"Y-Yesh pwease." He sniffles. I wipe his tears away, and lie on the bed. He snuggles into my chest, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Go ahead and sleep, baby. I know you're tired." I whisper, as I run my hand through his hair.

"Night night daddy." He yawns.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

I'm sorry, I know it's short. I'll work on everything eventually. We just moved into our house yesterday, and I've been babysitting a lot. I also have school starting in 2 days (online school), and I'm going to be getting a job. I'll still make time to update, though.

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