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Third Person POV

Seokjin walks into joe house, tired and annoyed. All of his anger evaporates, when he thinks about his boyfriend. Seokjin throws his briefcase to the ground, and removes his shoes from his feet.

He walks upstairs, and into his bedroom. "Namjoon? Honey, why are you crying?"

Namjoon just shakes his head, and continues to cry into his hands. Seokjin sits beside Namjoon on the bed, and pulls him into his arms.

"Tell oppa, why you're crying." Seokjin says. Namjoon looks up at his boyfriend, his tear filled eyes breaking Seokjin's heart.

"I'm s-so fat a-and ugly. You can do so much b-better." Namjoon sobs.

"Baby, who the hell told you that?" Seokjin asks. Namjoon points to his phone, that's lying on the ground. Seokjin picks it up, and scrolls through the messages that his so-called best friend sent.

"Ken said all of this? Sweetheart, you know that isn't true. You aren't ugly, and you are definitely not fat." Seokjin says. "You're perfect."

"St-Stop lying to me!" Namjoon cries. Seokjin pushes Namjoon onto his back, and pins him to the bed.

"Do you want me to show you how beautiful you are?" He asks. Namjoon shrugs, and sniffles.

Seokjin leans down, and connect their lips. Namjoon wraps his arms around Seokjin's neck, as the latter hovers over him. They break the kiss for a moment, to remove Namjoon's shirt.

"You're amazing, Namjoon." Seokjin trails kisses from Namjoon's neck, down to his chest and abdomen.

"You are not fat." Seokjin mumbles. Namjoon whimpers, and grips onto the bedsheets as Seokjin removes his pants.

"You're beautiful, Kim Namjoon." Seokjin gently rubs Namjoon's thigh. The younger sits up, and starts to unbutton Seokjin's shirt, his hands shaking.

"Calm down, darling." Seokjin moves Namjoon's hands away from the buttons, and takes his shirt off, himself. Namjoon slowly removes Seokjin's pants, his face heating up.

"You're so cute sometimes." Seokjin chuckles. "Are you nervous, baby? Do you want oppa to hold your hand, and treat you like a prince?"

"Y-Yes please, oppa." Namjoon whines. Seokjin smirks at Namjoon's response, and removes their boxers. Namjoon hands Seokjin a bottle of lube, a blush on his face. The older coats his fingers in the liquid, and kisses Namjoon, to distract him. Seokjin finally slides a finger into Namjoon.

Joon moans into the kiss, and grips onto Seokjin's shoulders. When he's gotten used to the feeling, Seokjin adds another, and another.

"I-I think I'm ready now." Namjoon whines. Seokjin removes his fingers from Namjoon's ass, and reaches for the lube again. Namjoon pouts at the older, and crosses his arms. "You're taking too long!"

"I don't want to hurt you, honey." Seokjin kisses his forehead, and lines myself up at the younger's entrance. "Ready?"

Namjoon nods, so Seokjin slowly slides into him. Namjoon gasps, and tightens his grip on Seokjin's shoulders.

"J-Jinnie." Namjoon whines. Seokjin's thrusts start off slow, to make sure Namjoon is used to the feeling.

"You're so perfect, Namjoon." He mumbles, sucking on his boyfriend's neck. Namjoon holds back a moan, when Seokjin hits a certain spot.

"Don't hide your moans, baby. I want to see those pretty lips of yours, scream my name." Seokjin growls. Namjoon let's out a loud moan, as Seokjin's thrusts increase in speed.

"O-Oppa." He whimpers, gripping onto Seokjin's back. The latter leans down, and captures Namjoon's lips, in a passionate kiss.

"So pretty." Seokjin chuckles, as he stares at Namjoon's face. He releases into Namjoon, after a few more thrusts, Namjoon doing the same, onto their stomachs.

"Do you believe me now?" Seokjin asks. "You're beautiful. Don't doubt yourself ever again."

"O-Okay. Thank you, Jinnie." Namjoon rests his head on Seokjin's chest.

"C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up." Seokjin carries Namjoon into the bathroom, and runs him a bath.

The younger starts to complain, when Seokjin begins babying him.

"I can do it myself~!" He whines, as Seokjin washes his hair.

"Let me take care of you." Seokjin mumbles. "You're probably tired."

"Hey Jinnie?"

"Yes, love?"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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