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This is a request

Namjoon POV

"Everyone in position?" I ask through my earpiece.

"Yes, boss. Everyone is in place." Yoongi responds.

"Perfect. I'm going in." I say. I silently crawl through the vents, until in right above my victim's office. I'm about to jump down, but someone shoots the guy. I immediately break the hatch for the vent, and jump down.

A masked man looks over at me, and tilts his head. "You weren't quick enough~!"  He rushes to the window, and does a backflip. He lands on his feet, and runs off.

"What the hell." I mumble.

*A Few Weeks Later*

The masked man keeps ruining my missions. He always kills my victim, before I do.

"Yoongi, I want you to capture the masked man, on our next mission." I say.

"Yes, sir." He nods. "We have a mission in 10 minutes, actually. It's just across the street."

10 minutes later, my men and I are invading the building.

"Hey, What the heck!" Someone exclaims. Yoongi ties the masked man up, and drags him over to me. I raise my gun and shoot my victim, before pulling the assassin's mask off.

"Asshole." He glares at me. "I was about to kill that guy, before you rudely interrupted."

"You kept getting in the way of my missions." I scoff.

"Well, you take forever." He rolls his eyes. "At least I get the job down fast. Now, we might want to get out of here. I have a bomb going off in 20 seconds."

I grab the assassin's arm, and pull him out of the building, just before it explodes. "Mind telling me your name?"

"I do mind, actually." The man says. "My assassin name is X, by the way."

"I don't need your assassin name, I need your real name, dipshit." I huff.

"Ooh, not with that attitude. Unite me first." He says. I obey, and untie him.

"It's Seokjin. Kim Seokjin." He smirks. "See you around, Namjoon. Oh wait. I meant RM."

He rushes away. I look after him, a small smile on my face. "He's gonna be a handful."

*5 Years Later*

"You may go. You're clearly not paying attention today. Be lucky I'm not in the mood to shoot someone." My husband scoffs.

"I thought you were always in the mood to shoot someone." I say. Seokjin looks over at me, and smiles slightly.

"I'm feeling...generous." He says. I shake my head, and lean down to kiss him.

"Please don't tell me you two are about to have sex. I don't want to see that again." Yoongi shudders.

"Well, you should've left the room faster." Seokjin shrugs. Yoongi rushes out of the room.

"I love you." I mumble.

"And I love you too."

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