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Namjoon POV

"I think we should do a test." Taehyung says.

"A test?" I ask. "Like what?"

"I want to see how possessive Seokjin is. So I think we should all flirt with you, to make him mad." Tae says. "It'd be fun!"

"But that would make him mad." I pout. "I don't like making my hyungie mad."

"Come on, Joon. I'll do your chemistry homework." He begs me.

"Deal." I sigh. Seokjin walks over to our table, and sits down.

"Namjoon, you look so cute today!" Jimin pinches my cheeks.

"He does look absolutely adorable!" Tae squeals, holding my hand. Seokjin glares at the two, staring to become jealous.

"Hello, Namjoonie!" Yoongi kisses my forehead. Seokjin bites his lip, angrily.

"Joonie, your dimples are adorable!" Jungkook exclaims. Hoseok nods in agreement.

Everyone starts to play with my hair, or face. Seokjin only snaps when Hoseok slaps my ass.

"Keep your fucking hands off of him!" Seokjin pulls me to his side. "He's mine. Only I can call him adorable, hold his hand, kiss his forehead, and slap his ass."

The whole cafeteria goes silent at his outburst. He boys start to laugh at Seokjin's reaction.

"Aww, hyung are you jealous?" I ask.

"Yes, I am." He frowns.

"Hyungie." I giggle.

"Jinnie?" I pout when he doesn't respond.

"Jinnie hyung!" I whine. He smiles slightly, and pulls me onto his lap. I giggle, and hold his hand as we eat lunch.

"You're all mine. You better remember that." Me whispers, gently biting my ear.

"Y-Yes, hyung. I'm all yours." I smile.

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