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There are some harsh words used.

Seokjin POV

I rest my head on my hand, as I watch Namjoon work on his project. Not many people like him, because of his stutter. He was born with it, he can't help it! He suddenly turns to me, a blush on his face.

"C-Can I b-b-borrow...." He trails off and frowns.

"Here." I smile softly, passing him my pencil case.

"Th-Th-Thank you." He smiles, passing it back to me once he's taken a pen.

"God, is he like....retarded or something?" Someone whispers.

"Or a sped?" Another says. I turn around, and glare at the girls.

"He is not a retard or a sped. He just has a stutter." I scowl. "Leave him alone."

"H-Here's you p-p-pen back." Namjoon says. I take it from him, and frown at his obvious sadness.

"Don't listen to those girls. You're perfect just the way you are." I say. He smiles slightly, and opens his mouth to say something. The bell cuts him off, sadly. Before he leaves, I try to ask him something.

"Hey, do you want to-"

"SEOKJIN OPPA!" A girl screams. She rushes over to me, and grabs my arm.

"I-I-I'll see you ar-round I guess." Namjoon mumbles. He quickly walks away.

"Why are you talking to that idiot?" The girl scoffs. "Anyway, you should be my prom date!"

"He isn't an idiot." I remove my arm from her grip. "And no, I will not be your prom date. I'm going to ask someone, today."

"THAT ISN'T FAIR! Mr. Lee, tell Seokjin that he has to take me to prom!" She shouts.

"He's allowed to take whoever he wants. You may be the principal's daughter, but I'm not going to deal with some spoiled little brat. Grow up." Mr. Lee scoffs. "Seokjin, tell Mr. Kwon to meet me in here, please."

"Of course, sir." I walk out of the room. After telling Mr. Kwon about Mr. Lee's request, I walk to my locker.




My eyes widen at the group of kids, surrounding Namjoon's locker. Said boy is pushed against the cold metal, while the group of kids throw things at him.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaim. "Leave him alone!"

"Who's going to make us." One of the boys scoff.

"Me. Now leave him alone." I say.

"What, are you a fag too?" The guy rolls his eyes. "And a sped?"

"I can make your life a living hell. I would try anything." I glare at him.

"Oh yeah? How would you do that?" He asks.

"Well, I am the super intendant's son. I can access your files, and spread rumors that will ruin your reputation. Then I'll just ask my father to have you expelled." I say. The group immediately runs off.

"Hey, are you alright?" I crouch beside I sniffling Namjoon.

"N-N-No." He shakes his head. "I h-ha-hate myself."

"Stop." I say. "Don't say shit like that. You shouldn't hate yourself, Namjoon. You're a smart, kind, and talented boy."

"B-B-Bu-But my st-stutter...." He frowns.

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