193 (Part 2 of Chapter 191)

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Seokjin POV

"Dahyun, sweetheart are you ready to go to the daycare?!" I call out to my daughter. She rubs downstairs, quickly.

"Yay, Joonie!" She claps. "Let's go, Appa!"

I take her hand, and we walk down the street to the daycare. I don't have work today, so I'm staying with Dahyun and Namjoon.

"Joonie!" Dahyun squeals as she rushes into the man's arms.

"Hey, Hyunie!" Namjoon grins. "Are you here to help me, today?"

"Yeah! Appa is too!" She exclaims. Namjoon looks up at me, and smiles shyly.

"Well, your Appa could help me look after the kids. You can go ahead and play with the others, and I'll call you over when it's snack time. Okay?" He suggests.

"Okay!" She exclaims, rubbing toward the other children.

"Where did I put that schedule." Namjoon mumbles, looking around for the piece of paper. "Aish, I lose everything."

"Namjoon, I have a copy of the schedule. You'll be in the baby area until snack time." The secretary says.

"Ah, Thank you!" Namjoon says. He turns to me, and smiles. "You coming?"

I nod, and follow him into a room filled with 5 babies under the age of 1. My eyes widen at the few children.

"Scared?" Namjoon teases me, raising an eyebrow. "Relax, they're just babies."

He lifts one of the babies out of their cribs, and smiles. "Hi, Byeongkwan! Let's get you fed, hmm? Seokjin, will you grab Junhee and bring him over here?"

I hesitantly walk over to the crib labeled, 'Park Junhee' and lift the baby up. I don't want to hurt him.

"It's been a while since you've held a baby, hasn't it?" Namjoon giggles.

"4 years." I chuckle. "He's kinda cute."

"Bring Sehyoon over here too, please. I have Chan, Donghun, and Byeongkwan." He says. I lift the other baby, and carry him over to Namjoon.

"Perfect." He smiles softly. "After we feed them, they need to nap. Then it's our break."

As soon as we've finished feeding the babies and placing them back into their cribs, Namjoon leads me to a small break room.

"You haven't called me yet." I say, as we sit down in one of the many chairs.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I'm just nervous." He giggles.

"Nervous?" I raise an eyebrow. "Why are you nervous?"

"Because you're like....the definition of perfect. I don't want to embarrass myself." He frowns.

"Joon, don't worry about that. I want to take you out sometime. Would you allow me to do that?" I ask.

"Of course." He blushes. "When and where?"

"6pm tomorrow night, a movie and dinner?" I suggest.

"Cliché. I like it." He grins.

"You know.....you're adorable." I smile softly. His blush deepens at my words.

"Th-Thank you." He giggles. Dahyun runs into the room, smiling.

"Joonie, Appa, it's snack time!"

*The Next Day: 6PM*

"Whoa." My eyes widen when I see Namjoon. Yeah he's dressed casually, but the makeup that he's wearing really enhances his looks.

"H-Hey, hyung." He blushes. "I didn't know what to wear, so.....I chose this. I hope it's alright."

"You look stunning." I reassure him. "Shall we go, then?"

He nods, his breath hitching when I grab his hand. "Too soon for hand holding?" I ask. He quickly shakes his head.

"N-No, it isn't too soon! I just....wasn't expecting it." He smiles slightly.

"You're the cutest." I grin. "We can watch any movie you want. I'm really not picky."

"Mean Girls?!" He looks over at me.

"If you want to watch it, then yes." I say. He smiles brightly, looking excited.

"Thank you, hyung!" He exclaims. I raise an eyebrow when he grabs his wallet.

"No, you aren't paying." I say. He looks up at me, his head tilted.

"Why not?" He pouts.

"I asked you on this date. So I'm paying." I say.

"So if I ask you on another date, you'll let me pay?" He asks, as I buy the tickets.

"No." I shrug.

"But hyung, that's not fair." He whines. "Can we at least split the check after dinner tonight?"

"Fine." I sigh. "But I'm paying for the whole thing next time."

"Alright." He gives in.

*Time Skip*

I walk Namjoon up to his door, a small smile on my face. "Thank you, for tonight. I had a lot of fun." He grins.

"I did as well. Thank you, for agreeing to go on a date with me." I say. "So.....I'll see you soon? Maybe we could go out again sometime."

"I'd love that." He says. "I'll text you tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me." I say. "Goodnight, Namjoon-ah."

"Goodnight, hyung." He kisses my cheek, and waves before walking inside. I bring my hand up to touch the spot that he kissed, a huge smile on my face. I stand there for a moment, before walking to my car and driving off.

"Appa!" Dahyun exclaims when I walk inside. "Did you go on a date?!"

"Yes I did, sweetheart." I grin. "And it was amazing."

"Was it with Joonie?!" She asks.

"Yes it was." I chuckle.

"Yay, I'm gonna have two dads!" She giggles.

"I hope so, sweetheart. I really do."

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