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This is a request

Namjoon POV

"Congrats, Mr. Kim. You're pregnant!" The Doctor exclaims.

"I-I'm sorry, pregnant??" I ask.

"Yes, pregnant." She smiles. "Come back in a few months for another checkup, Okay?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." I say. Multiple bad thoughts cloud my mind. What will Seokjin say? My stomach is going to have stretch marks after this....will he think it's gross?

I walk out of the hospital, confused. Pregnant. I'm really pregnant. I get into my car, and drive home.

"I can't do this." I whisper to myself. I rush upstairs, and pull out a suitcase from under my bed. I fill the suitcase with clothes, and other important items. I decide to leave a note to Seokjin.

I know I've left so suddenly, and without an explanation. I feel so insecure right now, and I just couldn't face you. I'm sorry. So, so sorry, hyung. I'll be back when I figure things out, if you still want me. I love you so much.

*3 Years Later*

Seokjin POV

I walk downstairs, and sigh at the emptiness. It's been three years since Namjoon left. I haven't changed anything at all. Everything in the house has strayed the same. A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I open the door, my eyes widening.


"Hey..." He smiles nervously. "Can I...come in?"

"Y-Yeah. Of course." I say. Namjoon walks into the house, followed by a young boy.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions..." He sighs. "Taeyong, take your bag to the kitchen table and color, okay?"

The boy waddles to the table with the bag. "Where have you been?"

"Listen." He says. "The day I left, I found out that I was pregnant. I started feeling extremely insecure about myself, so I left. That boy at the table is your son, Taeyong."

"S-So you left me, because you were feeling insecure? Joon, you know I love you so much. I could've helped you overcome your insecurities, and we could've gotten through this together."

"I'm sorry, hyung." He sniffles. Taeyong gasps, and runs over to Namjoon.

"Daddy no cry!" He exclaims. Namjoon wipes his eyes, and smiles at our son.

"I'm okay, sweetheart. I want you to meet someone. This is your Appa." He says. Taeyong gasps again, and hugs me.

"Appa!" He squeals. I hug my son back.

"A-Are we okay?" Namjoon asks.

"We are. You can move back in whenever, Joon. And please, if you're feeling insecure, tell me. Please."

"I will, hyung."

I know it isn't the best. I'm sorry ☹️.

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