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Namjoon POV

"Hey Joon, what's that taped to your locker?" Yoongi asks. I look to my locker, surprised to see a pink envelope taped to it. I walk over and grab the envelope.

"What's in it?" Taehyung asks. I open the envelope, and pull a note out.

'Your smile is beautiful. You should smile a lot more. Have a nice day, Namjoon.
~Your Admirer '

"Aww, our Joonie has a secret admirer." Yoongi fake cries. "They grow up so fast."

"Shut up." I giggle. "I think it's nice! Not many people have said that they like my smile."

"Excuse me." Someone huffs. I look up, and the school's rebel, Kim Seokjin. "You're in my way."

I realize that we're standing in front of his locker, located right next to mine.

"Sorry." I blush, and move out of the way.

*Day 2*

I open my locker, and gasp. The new Ryan plushie that I've wanted for months is sitting there, along with another pink envelope.

'I hope you like your Ryan plushie. Your friends told me the combination to your locker, so I could put the plushie in there. Anyway, I saw you eyeing this at the mall a few times, so I decided to get it for you.'
~Your Admirer

"Secret admirer, hmm?" I jump at the voice. It's Seokjin.

"I-I guess." I mumble.

"The Guy doesn't have the balls to ask you out?" Mark scoffs. (Got7 Mark, not NCT Mark)

"I think it's cute." I frown. "Secret admirers prove that we can fall in love with someone, without knowing who they are. You fall for their personality instead..."

"That's interesting." Seokjin says.

*Day 15*

"Aww. Yoongi, look!" I exclaim, pointing to my locker. Is decorated with a bunch of origami hearts and flowers. "They're so cute!"

"Your admirer spoils you." He sighs.

"Just a little." I giggle.

'Namjoon, don't listen to the rude things that other people say. You're perfect just the way you are. Your taste in music isn't weird, and you are definitely NOT ugly. You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you sometimes. It sucks, knowing you won't fall for me.'

"He gave a hint!" I exclaim. "Seok...it could be anyone! Wooseok, Seokmin, Hoseok, or...Seokjin."

"It's definitely not Hoseok. I saw him and Taehyung, eating each other's faces off in the bathroom." Yoongi says, his jealousy becoming very obvious. "And Wooseok moved away like 2 months ago."

"So...Seokmin or Seokjin?" I ask. "Should I just ask them?"

"Wait for a few days."

*Day 20*

As soon as I open my locker, a rose gold bracelet falls out. Luckily, I manage to catch it. I grab the envelope, and open it.

'You look beautiful today. But...you always look beautiful. Anyway, I got you this bracelet that I saw you eyeing yesterday. I have the matching one, in a gold color. Let's see if you can figure out who I am today.'

I smile, and tuck the note away, in my locker. I grab the bracelet, and struggle to put it on.

"Need some help?" Seokjin asks. I look over to him, and nod shyly.

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