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Namjoon POV

"H-Hey, stop it!" I exclaim, tears welling in my eyes as my bullies torment me. They throw my stuff to the ground, and start to shove me. "Leave me alone!"

"Shut up, idiot!" One of the boys scoff. He slaps me, while another shoves me to the ground. I start to cry at the stinging sensation.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Seokjin shouts, as he storms over to me. The bully's eyes widen. Seokjin is the scariest person in school. He's sent multiple people to the hospital, for messing with him.

And I happen to be his boyfriend.

"Are you alright, baby? Do I need to hurt these imbeciles?" He asks, helping me up and grabbing my stuff.

Normally, I would say no and let it go. But I'm feeling a bit mean today. I sniffle, and look up at him with a pout. "Please? They slapped me, hyungie."

Seokjin looks over at them, and smiles evilly. He lunges at the main bully and grabs him by the throat, pinning him against a locker.

"If you ever lay another hand on my boyfriend, you'll be sorry. Got that?" He growls, punching him across the face.

"Y-Yes!" The bully chokes out. Seokjin releases the boy from his hold, and kicks him once.

"You're lucky I'm feeling generous today, or you'd be in a damn hospital room. Now apologize." He says.

"W-We're sorry, Namjoon." They say, before running off.

"Thank you, hyung." I smile softly as he pulls me into his arms.

"You don't need to thank me, doll." He grins.

"Can we get ice cream, since school is over?!" I ask, playing with my sweater paw.

"Anything you want, baby." He smiles.

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