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WorldwideHandsome: I'm excited, Joonie!

NamJUNE: Me too baby. I can't believe we're meeting for the first time. I can't wait to hold you in my arms.

WorldwideHandsome: You're making me blush~🥰. Where and when are we meeting again?

NamJUNE: We're meeting at the small park, in Seoul at around noon tomorrow.

WorldwideHandsome: We should get some sleep then. It's already 1am. Night Joonie~!

NamJUNE: Goodnight, Jinnie.

*The Next Day*

WorldwideHandsome: I'm waiting for you~!

NamJUNE: I can't wait to see you, Jinnie 😔

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NamJUNE: I can't wait to see you, Jinnie 😔.

WorldwideHandsome: Wait, are you wearing a black leather jacket?

NamJUNE: Yeah. Why?

WorldwideHandsome: Look behind you.

Namjoon POV

I shut my phone off, and shove it in my pocket. I turn around, and gasp in shock when someone jumps into my arms.

"It's really you." The person mumbles.

"Jinnie?" I ask. Seokjin pulls his head away from my shoulder, and looks up at me, a tear rolling down his face. "Why are you crying, love?"

"C-Cause I can't believe that you're actually here." He sniffles.

"I'm here, baby." I grin. "God, you're so beautiful."

"Th-Thank you." He blushes. "Do I look better in person?"

"You do." I say. "But you look amazing 24/7."

"Stop making me blush!" He giggles. "Oh yeah, I brought you a coffee."

He hands me the drink. I lace our fingers together, and we begin walking down the trail.

"Thank you." I smile, taking a sip of the coffee. "And it's my favorite. You remembered?"

"Of course I did." He says. "It's so pretty here."

"It is. I come here to think a lot." I say. We stop and sit at a bench, still holding hands.

"Hey Jinnie?" He looks up at me, confused.

"Yes, Joonie?" He asks. I lean down, and connect our lips. He gently cups my face, smiling into the kiss.

"Was that a pretty good first kiss?" I ask, as we pull apart.

"It was." He blushes. "I don't want to leave you..."

"Then don't." I say. You can move in with my roommate and I."

"You'd really let me move in with you guys?" He asks.

"Of course. You're my boyfriend, Jinnie. We've been dating for almost 10 months anyway." I say. "I'll help you pack as well."

"Thank you, Namjoon." He kisses my cheek.

"I love you, Seokjin." I press my lips to his forehead.

"I love you too, Joonie."

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