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Namjoon POV

"I want Taco Bell." I pout. Yoongi pauses for a moment, before nodding.

"Me too. What about you, babe?" He turns to Hoseok.

"Taco Bell sounds great." He says.

"Taco Bell!" I exclaim. I run toward the building, and hug it. "I've missed you."

"Namjoon, people are staring." Hoseok says. I walk into the restaurant, ignoring the weird looks I get.

As soon as we walk inside, we're met with shouting.

"I can't believe they let a fag work here!" A woman shouts. The cashier behind the counter is starting to get frustrated.

"Ma'am, please do not call me that." He says. I look over to Yoongi and Hoseok, who just shrug.

"I'll call you whatever I want! Freedom of speech!" She shouts.

The man takes a deep breath, and glares at her.

"Freedom of speech?" He chuckles. I see him grab something from behind the counter.

"Here's your fucking Taco, bitch!" He throws a taco at the woman's face. The Taco falls apart, the meat and sauce staining her white shirt. The woman lunges at him, and grabs his shirt. He smashes another taco into her hair.

"Break it up!" The manager tries to pry the two apart. I walk over to them, and pull the man away from the woman. I drag him outside, to calm down.

"So fucking annoying!" He screams, gripping at his hair. I start laughing. He turns, to glare at me. "What's so funny?"

"Y-You threw a taco at her." I laugh. "A-And the look on her face!"

He smiles slightly. "I'm probably going to get fired."

"It was worth it." I grin. "That shit made my day."

"Seokjin!" A short man rushes up to the man. "Manager is pissed!"

"No shit, Jimin." Seokjin huffs. "Tell him I'll return my uniform."

"Why?" Jimin tilts his head. "He isn't going to fire you."

"He isn't?" Seokjin asks.

"No! He's pissed at the lady." Jimin says. "But you should stay out here to calm down for a while."

"Alright." Jimin runs back inside.

"You got lucky." I say.

"I did." Seokjin smiles. "Hey, why were you hugging the building earlier? I saw you through the window."

"I like Taco Bell. Don't judge me." I pout. "I'm Namjoon, by the way."

"Seokjin." He smiles.

*A Few Months Later*

"Throw a taco at anyone today?" I ask my boyfriend.

"Haha, very funny." Seokjin rolls his eyes, but smiles. "No, I haven't. You want the usual?"

"Yes, please." I smile slightly. "Why don't you take a break and join me."

"Let me tell my manager that I'm taking a break." He walks away, but eventually returns without his uniform.

"He gave me the rest of the day off." Seokjin explains. I take his hand, and lead him to a table.

"I missed you." I say.

"Joonie, we saw each other two days ago." He giggles.

"That's too long." I say. "I love you~"

"Love you too, stupid." He says.

"I'm not stupid! You literally threw a taco at someone."

"Shut the fuck up."

I don't know how I came up with this. I'm drinking a coffee from McDonald's, and the idea just popped into my head 🙃.

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