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Whatever is written on your soulmate's arm, appears on yours.

Seokjin POV

I sit on my bed, watching my soulmate draw. He really needs to find a sketch pad or something. I take a washable marker, and write something.

'Hi :)'

'Hello~! Did you like my drawings?'

'I did. They were very nice.'

'Thanks :)'

'You're welcome >///<'

'You're adorable.'

'Thank you, but I'm not. :/'

'I'm sure you look gorgeous. Don't talk bad about yourself. I have to go, but I'll talk to you later?'

'Aww. Bye :(.'

I blush, and set my marker down. My soulmate is so cute. I decide to walk to a cafe, to get coffee before school.

"Jin-hyung!" Hoseok exclaims. "I met my soulmate last night!"

Hoseok is a new student at the school I go to. We met while I was walking home from school.

"You did?!" I ask. "Aww, I'm happy for you, Hobi."

"His name is Min Yoongi." He says.

"M-Min Yoongi?" I ask.

"Yeah....are you okay?" He asks.

"I-I can't be there when you hang out with him." I say. "I'm happy for you, Hobi. I really am. But him and his group of friends like to bully people. Specifically me."

"I'll protect you from them, hyung. I promise." He says.

"Okay...." I sigh. "Let's go to school."

We walk to school, talking about stupid things.

"So...I talked to my soulmate earlier." I smile. "They seem really sweet. I had to wash the conversation off, though."

"Aww, that's cute." He smiles. "Yoongi!"

"Hobi!" Yoongi smiles, hugging his boyfriend. He turns and glares at me.

"Hey, be nice. Seokjin is my friend." Hoseok says. "I'm serious, Yoongi."

"Fine." He sighs. "I'm sorry, Seokjin."

"I-It's okay." I whisper.

*Time Skip*

Yoongi, Hoseok, and I sit at a table at lunch together.

"You know, you aren't too bad, Seokjin." Yoongi says. "I'm honestly sorry, for bullying you"

"It's okay." I smile. "You're really nice."

"Yoongi, why are you hanging out with them?" Taehyung scoffs, and he holds Jimin's waist.

"Because, Hoseok is my boyfriend. And Seokjin is an amazing person, as well." Yoongi glares at his friends. Namjoon shrugs, and sits down. He's the only person out of Yoongi's friend group, that wouldn't bully me.

"Does anyone have a marker?" He asks, quietly.

"I-I do." I blush, handing him a red marker.

"Thanks." He smiles slightly. He starts to draw on his arm. My eyes widen, when I see the same outlines on my arm. I take my blue marker, and write something.


'How do you know my name...?'

We both look up, our eyes meeting. He looks at the marker in my hand, then back at his arm. "Give me your arm."

He reaches across the table, and grabs my arm, examining it. He looks back up at me, and smiles, releasing my arm.

"Namjoon....are you okay?" Jungkook asks.

"I'm fine." He says. He grabs the marker, and writes something on his arm.

'Meet me in the garden, after school?'

'I'll be there.'

We both close our markers, huge grins on our faces.

*Another Time Skip*

As soon as the bell rings, I run pack my things and run out into the garden.

"So...you're my soulmate." Namjoon says.

"I-I guess I am." I say. It's silent for a moment, before he leans down and presses our lips together.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." He sighs. I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull his face closer to mine. Our lips are just a few centimeters apart.

"Nothing is stoping you, now." I whisper. He connects our lips again, ignoring the stares from other students.

We walk out of the garden, hand in hand.

"Did you mean what you said? About the drawings, I mean?" He asks.

"They were very nice drawings." I smile.

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