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This is a request.

Seokjin POV

"Kim Namjoon!" I shout. "Get down here, right now!"

My little runs downstairs, looking guilty. "Y-Yes, daddy?"

"What is this?" I gesture to the wall. He took sharpies, and drew all over. He even tore up the living room and kitchen.

"U-Um..." He looks down.

"Namjoon, you know the rules. Pick a punishment." I say.

"No!" I exclaims, crossing his arms.

"What did you just say to me?" I ask. He looks a bit scared.

"N-No!" He huffs.

"Fine. You don't have to have a punishment right now. But don't expect me to speak to you until you apologize, and take a punishment." I say. I walk away from him, and clean up his mess.

*1 Hour Later*

"Daddy." Namjoon tugs on my sleeve. He pouts when I don't respond. "Dada?"

I shake my head, and continue working. "Fine! Dun talk ta Joonie."

He stomps away. I walk out of my study a few minutes later, to see him bringing his plushies and a blanket into the guest room. I shake my head, and walk back into the study. Whenever he's mad, he goes into the guest room for a while.

*3 Days Later*

I wake up in the middle of the night, to Namjoon's cries. He slept in the guest room, because he's still mad at me. I slowly stand, and carefully walk over to the door.

"J-Joonie ish very b-bad. Dada no wuv J-Joonie no more, cause Joonie ish b-bad!" He sobs. My heart cracks at his words. I want to go in there, hold him, and tell him that everything is going to be okay. But he still hasn't apologized. A few minutes later, his cries stop. He must've fallen asleep. I walk back into my bedroom, and sigh. Maybe I'm being a bit too hard on him.

In the morning, Namjoon walks out of the guest room his eyes red and puffy from crying. He looks up at me, a pout on his face.

"I'm s-sowwy, dada!" He sobs. I quickly scoop him up into my arms, and pepper his face with kisses.

"My poor baby." I coo. "Daddy's so sorry, darling. You were so sad, and I didn't comfort you. I heard you crying last night, and believe me I do love you. Yes you were bad, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."

"Joonie w-wuvs you too, daddy." He sniffles.

"You don't have to take a punishment. That silent treatment was enough of a punishment." I kiss his pout away. "Let's go cuddle, hmm? Will that make my baby happy?"

"Yes pwease." He smiles.

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