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Seokjin POV

"CUT! You guys can take a break for a while." Our director says. I walk off set and grab a water bottle. We're filming a movie, about a man who's lost his child, and teams up with another man to find him. The two men end up falling in love, and getting married.

"Jinnie!" Someone exclaims. I turn toward the voice.

"Joonie? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I missed you." He frowns. "And I ran out of inspiration for my lyrics."

"I missed you too." I smile. "We're taking a small break. You can stay and watch if you'd like. Though I don't think you'd like the next scene."

"Kissing scene?" He pouts. I nod, with a grin.

"Aww, don't get upset. In the end, I know I belong to you." I press my lips to his. He pulls away, smiling.

"I'll stay and watch you." He says. "Then we can go out."

"But the rumors." I say.

"Jinnie, those rumors don't bother me. Let people find out that we're dating. I don't give a fuck what those people think. As long as I have you." He takes my hand.

"You're so sweet, Joonie." I smile. "Okay. We'll go out in about an hour."

*1 Hour Later*

After filming, Namjoon takes me to my favorite restaurant. We sit in a booth, toward the back.

"I enjoy times like this. Sitting here with the man I love, without too many interruptions." He smiles. "We haven't been on a date in ages."

"I know. I missed this." He takes my hand, and gently kisses my knuckles.

"Shit." He mumbles. "Paparazzi."

I turn around, and glare at a man with a camera. He immediately leaves.

"Ignore them, baby." Namjoon says. "Don't let desperate people ruin our date."

"Sorry." I pout. "It's just annoying."

"I know it is. But we have to ignore them." He says.

We hold hands, and talk for a while before our food comes.

"Joonie." I say. He looks over at me. I place my fork next to his mouth, and wait for him to open it.

He opens his mouth, and takes the food with a grin. Another hour of feeding each other goes by.

"We should head home." He says. He pays the bill, and takes my hand. As soon as we're outside, a bunch of news teams rush up to us. Namjoon pulls me out of the crowd, and into his car. The driver starts driving to our house, as soon as we step in.

"We're going to be on the front page tomorrow." He frowns.

"Don't be sad. At least the world will finally know about our relationship, so we don't have to hide it anymore." I say.

*A Few Days Later*

Are rapper, Kim Namjoon and actor, Kim Seokjin a couple?

On Sunday, June 30th, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin were spotted together at a local restaurant. The pair were found holding hands, and feeding each other. What do you think? Are they a couple?

"I was right. Front page." Namjoon says. "I have an interview today as well."

"So do I. We might as well come clean about our relationship." I say.

"I will." He says. "I have to go, honey. I love you."

"Love you too Joonie." I end the call.

Namjoon POV

"Welcome, RM!" The interviewer exclaims. "We have a few questions for you."

"Ask away." I smile.

"There are rumors about you, and actor Kim Seokjin. Are you two dating?" He asks.

"We are. I've been with him for 3 years now." I say. "He's made my life brighter in so many ways. If I've had a bad day at work, and he notices, he'll hug me, and let me cry on his shoulder. After a long day, it's nice to go back home to my beautiful boyfriend."

"That's really sweet." The interviewer says. "Anything else to say about the rumors?"

"Yes. Please, stop following us when you see us in public. Seokjin and I don't get a lot of alone time on dates. I plan on proposing soon, and I don't want that to be ruined by desperate fans or paparazzi." I say.

"Seokjin, if you're watching this, I want you to know that I love you, with all of my heart." I smile.

Seokjin POV

Before my interview, I decide to watch Namjoon's.

"There are rumors about you, and actor Kim Seokjin. Are you two dating?" The interviewer asks.

"We are. I've been with him for 3 years now." Namjoon says. "He's made my life brighter in so many ways. If I've had a bad day at work, and he notices, he'll hug me, and let me cry on his shoulder. After a long day, it's nice to go back home to my beautiful boyfriend."

"That's really sweet." The interviewer says. "Anything else to say about the rumors?"

"Yes. Please, stop following us when you see us in public. Seokjin and I don't get a lot of alone time on dates. I plan on proposing soon, and I don't want that to be ruined by desperate fans or paparazzi." Namjoon says.

"Seokjin, if you're watching this, I want you to know that I love you, with all of my heart." He smiles.

I tear up toward the end. He really wants to marry me? I wipe my eyes carefully, so I don't smear my makeup.

"Seokjin, you're up!" Someone shouts. I walk on set, and take a seat.

"Welcome, Seokjin. I'd like to address the dating rumors between you and rapper, Kim Namjoon. Are you guys dating?"

"Yes. I've been dating my Namjoonie for 3 years. He honestly makes me so happy. I love how he trusts me enough to cry on my shoulder, and how he just cuddles me whenever he pleases." I grin. "He's the best boyfriend ever. And I hope, that one day our relationship will move on to the next level."

"That's so nice." The interviewer smiles.

*Time Skip*

I walk off set, and into the back. I didn't expect Namjoon to be waiting for me.

"Joonie! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I heard what you said." He grins.

"And I heard what you said. You're really planning on proposing?" I ask.

"Of course." He says. "It'll be a month or two, but I really want to marry you."

"I love you so much, Kim Namjoon." He leans down, and kisses me.

"And I love you, Kim Seokjin."

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