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This is a request.

Jin isn't a little. He just has a childish personality. Namjoon is 18, and Jin is 16.

Seokjin POV

"But Appa, I don't want a babysitter!" I whine. "I'm 16 years old."

"Seokjin, I've been getting letters, and people are threatening your life! You're getting a bodyguard whether you like to or not." Appa says.

"I hate this!" I stomp up to my room. I hate being the son of a CEO. A lot of people hate my Appa, so I have to have security guards around me when I go out.

"Seokjin, get back down here. Your bodyguard has arrived." Appa says.

"But I just got into my room!" I huff. I walk back downstairs, with a pout.

"I'll let you two get to know each other. Good luck, Namjoon." Appa whispers the last part. "By the way, he's extremely childish."

"Hello! I'm Seokjin." I smile. The man nods. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"Namjoon." The man says.

"Namjoon." I say. "It suits you! Can we get ice cream?!"

"Now Seokjin, we need to set up a few rules first." Appa says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Namjoon is going to stay by your side everywhere you go." Appa says.

"But not in the bathroom!" I exclaim. "That's just weird. And not while I'm changing! 'Cause that would make you a pervert."

Namjoon's straight face breaks. He smiles slightly. "I'm not a pervert. Don't worry."

"Good! Another rule! You have to take me places. Appa doesn't trust me enough to let me drive, even though I got my license." I say.

"I have to go. Your Eomma will be back later, Seokjin." Appa leaves the house.

"I'm bored." I pout. "Can we go get ice cream now?"

"Mhm." Namjoon allows me to walk outside. He follows close behind me.

"Could you walk next to me?" I frown. He sighs, but gives in, and walks beside me.

"You don't talk much." I huff. "Hmm. Do you like music?!"

He nods. I cross my arms, and pout. "You're no fun to talk to."

"I'm here to protect you. Not talk." He says.

"Why are you being mean to me?" I sniffle. "I just wanna talk, an' you're being mean about it."

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" He asks.

"I don't wanna talk to you anymore! You're being mean." I huff.

*Two Weeks Later*

Namjoon POV

"Joonie, will you watch a movie with me?!" Seokjin asks. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've started my job as Seokjin's bodyguard. I'll admit, I've started to catch feelings for the boy.

"Sure." I sigh. "What movie?"

"Finding Dory please~!" He grins. I smile, and put the disc into the DVD player.

As soon as I sit down, he latches onto my waist, and rests his head on my chest. I freeze, but don't move. I don't want to make him upset if I move away.

*After The Movie*

"Seokjin, I'm-" Mr. Kim, Seokjin's Appa, freezes when he sees us. "Why the hell is my son on top of you? Did you two have sex?!"

"No! Of course not! He wanted to watch a movie." I say. That calms Mr. Kim down.

"Namjoon, I must ask. Do you have feelings for my son?" He asks. "You two are always together, even when you have the weekend off. He always wants to see, 'his Joonie'."

"Mr. Kim, I'm sorry but I'm so in love with your son." I say. "He's so cute, and innocent."

"Just...don't break his heart. He's so fragile." He says.

"I won't. I promise." I say. Mr. Kim walks upstairs.

"Did you mean it?" I look down at Seokjin, who's wide awake.

"Mean what, angel?" I ask.

"Do you love me?" He asks.

"I do." I say. He smiles up at me.

"I love you too Joonie." He says. I press my lips to his forehead.

"I'm glad."


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