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Namjoon POV

"Hyungie, why are you ignoring me?" I frown. Seokjin just continues to read his book.

"Hyung~!" I whine. "Kim. Seok. Jin."

Still nothing. Did I do something wrong? Just the thought of upsetting my hyung, makes me want to burst into tears. I tap his shoulder. Nothing.

"Fine. Don't talk to me." I pout. I stand from the couch, and walk into the kitchen, where Tae and Yoongi are sitting.

"Guys, did I make Jin-hyung angry?" I ask.

"I don't think so..." Tae says.

"I don't think you've done anything to piss him off." Yoongi says.

"Oh...he's ignoring me for some reason." I frown. "But I don't know what I did..."

"Maybe it's because you were hanging out with Jackson instead of Seokjin yesterday." Tae shrugs.

"But I was only with Jackson for an hour yesterday. And Seokjin-hyung was with me." I say.

"I'm not sure, Joon." Yoongi says. "Just give him time."

I walk back into the living room and sit next to Seokjin.

"I'm s-sorry if I made you angry with m-me hyungie." I sniffle. He looks over at me, shocked.

"Don't cry sweetheart." He says.

"I d-didn't mean to ma-ake you mad!" I cry into my hands. "M sorry Jinnie hyung!"

"Hey, it's okay baby. I'm not angry at you!" He hugs me to his chest.

"B-But you were ignoring me." I sob.

"Oh, honey I wasn't intentionally ignoring you. I was so focused on my book, that I didn't notice you. I'm so sorry baby boy." He says.

"R-Really?" I sniffle. "You aren't angry?"

"Of course not. I could never be angry at my beautiful boyfriend." He smiles.

"Stop making me blush hyungie." I giggle. He wipes the remaining tears from my face.

"I love you so much, darling." He says.

"I love you as well hyung."

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