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Seokjin POV

"Why'd you call me here?" I ask Yoongi. He woke me up at 2am, and asked me to come over to his apartment.

"LOOK!" He shoves his laptop into my hands.

"Yoongi, we already knew about the BTS concert here." I say, pouting because we're too broke to go.

"Look at the tickets!" He exclaims. Under the banner, it says, 'tickets purchased'.

"You're going?!" I ask. "How?!"

"We're going." He grins. "I managed to get enough money for backstage passes! WE GET TO MEET BTS!"

"OH MY GOD!" I shout.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Yoongi's neighbor shouts.

"FUCK YOU, MARK!" Yoongi shouts back.


"I'm dying. I'm dead. I've died, Yoongi." I shout over the loud screams from ARMY.

"Me too!" He exclaims. We both end up crying, and screaming. THE Kim Namjoon walks over to the edge of the stage, right beside us.

"Pretty people shouldn't cry." He wipes my tears, and walks away.


"JUNG HOSEOK JUST TOUCHED MY HAND!" Yoongi screams. When the concert is finished, we're led backstage, along with three girls.

"I'm going to pass out." Yoongi says.

"Don't pass out!" Jung Hoseok grins.

"Okay." Yoongi whispers. The girls immediately start screaming, and run up to the boys. They attack them with hugs, ignoring their personal space. Yoongi and I stand back, letting the girls talk to BTS.

"Security!" Taehyung shouts. A bunch of guards rush in, and drag the girls out.

"Sorry about that. Fans are crazy sometimes." Jungkook smiles.

"What are your names?" Jimin asks.

"I'm Yoongi." Yoongi mumbles. "And this is Seokjin."

"Nice to meet you both." Namjoon smiles. I almost faint at the sight of his dimples.

Forget that. I did faint. I wake up, with six people surrounding me.

"What the hell happened?" I groan.

"I said nice to meet you, smiled, and then you fainted." Namjoon says. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I blush. "I just...fanboyed a bit."

"He faints all the time. Especially when Namjoon raps with a deep voice." Yoongi says.

"I didn't ask to be exposed." I glare at my best friend.

"You're Namjoon biased? I'm honored." Namjoon chuckles. Hoseok starts a conversation with Yoongi, and the others leave to get food. Namjoon ends up talking to me.

"How long have you been a fan?" He asks.

"Since your debut." I blush. "I mean...you guys are my idols. I know this sounds dumb, or cliché, but I look up to you guys. Your music has helped Yoongi and I through so much."

"Wow. Most fans just stan is because we're attractive. But...you two are different." He says.

"Time is up. You two need to leave now." A security guard says.

"Wait." Namjoon takes my phone, and typed something. "Don't leak my number, please. Call me?"

"Y-Yeah." I grin.

Yoongi and I leave with smiles on our faces.

I know it's trash, but I'm seriously unmotivated. I'm trying to work on Innocent, Daddy's Baby, Little Jin, and this. But it's difficult 😔. ILL BE OKAY THOUGH. I think :/.

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