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Seokjin POV

"Just knock it off, already." I huff. Namjoon pouts, and slaps my arm.

"Stop being mean." He mumbles.

"You stop being annoying." I say.

"I'm not annoying!" He crosses his arms.

"Yes you are! I could live without your Ryan loving ass." I scoff. He stands up and starts to leave the room.

"Fine. I'm leaving, and breaking up with you." He huffs.

"Shut the door on your way out. Lock it too, please." I respond, obviously joking. He's just being overdramatic.

"W-Wait, seriously?" He turns back to me, his eyes filled with tears. My eyes widen at his pout. Does he think I'm being serious?

"Oh, my handsome prince. Don't cry!" I rush over to my pouting boyfriend, and scoop him up into my arms. I pepper his face with kisses, to prevent him from crying. "I was only kidding, baby."

"I know." He responds, a smug smile on his face.

"You little brat!" I throw him onto the bed. He giggles, and looks up at me.

"You love me." He says. I climb on top of him, and connect our lips.

"I really do."

It's trash 🙌🏼

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