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This is kind of a request

Seokjin POV

"Seokjin, it happened again." My assistant groans

"What happened, Jungkook?" I ask.

"Yoongi got out again." He sighs. "Taehyung forgot to feed him, so he changed a human. Again."

"Damn." I say. "I'll find the newborn. Make sure Taehyung feeds Yoongi!"

I hurry to the place where the newborn was last spotted. "You!"

The male's head shoots up, his blood red eyes, showing obvious confusion.

"What are you doing?!" I ask. "You've sent the vampire world into a panic! Follow me. Right now."

"Vampire world? What type of shit are you on?" The boy asks.

"You're a vampire too, you imbecile." I scoff. "Now follow me."

He obeys, and walks over to me. I bring us into the vampire world. Taehyung rushes up to us, and starts to apologize.

"I'm so so sorry, Seokjin!" He bows.

"Don't let it happen again. Bring Yoongi here." I sigh. Yoongi runs over to us, and purrs. (Yoongi is a vampire/cat hybrid. He turns human when he wants to be)

"Yoongi, you know the rules! No biting the mortals." I say. He hisses, and hides behind Taehyung.

"What the hell?" The boy mumbles. "Why are my teeth so sharp?"

"Vampire." I roll my eyes. "What is your name?"

"What?" He tilts his head.

"Your name. What does someone say when they are trying to get your attention?" I groan.

"Oh...Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." He says.

"Well Namjoon. Welcome to the vampire world."

*2 Years Later*

"You're doing an amazing job, love." I say.

"Thanks, Jinnie." Namjoon mumbles, a small frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"All we do here, is train ourselves to not kill somebody. I just wanna spend time with you." He huffs, with a small pout.

"Fine. We could take a day off, if you would like." I say. "But only one day."

"A week?" He asks, putting on his innocent face. 

"A week. That's it." I say. He smiles, and hugs me.

"I love you!" He sighs.

"And I love you."

I'm sorry, I know it was bad. I've started online school, and it's actually really difficult. I spent 5 hours on one assignment today. BUT IM GONNA TEY MY BEST TO WRITE MORE.

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