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Namjoon POV

"He's just....perfect." I sigh, as I fall onto my bed.

"Namjoon, you've never met the guy." Taehyung rolls his eyes. "He's just an author."

"Yeah, but he's Kim Seokjin. He's like- the best author ever! I would kill to go to that meet and greet on Thursday." I say. "His writing really speaks to me."

"You're not going to shut up about this, are you?" He groans.

"Nope." I say. "I'll just have to save up for the next meet and greet. I doubt I'll ever get to go to one, though."

"My god, I was going to give you this after you shut up, but I guess that isn't going to happen. So here's your early birthday present." Tae huffs. He throws a small envelope at my face. I open it, my eyes widening.

"YOU GOT ME TICKETS TO THE MEET AND GREET?!" I shout, jumping up to hug him. "I LOVE YOU, TAE!"

"Aish, let me go." He grumbles. "I love you too, fool."

"All that time you're spending with your boyfriend, is making you mean." I pout.

"Shut up." He frowns. "Yoongi isn't mean."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I say, screaming when Tae lunges at me.


"Come onnnnn." I pull Taehyung into the venue.

"Slow down, Joon." He chuckles. "We have a long line ahead of us."

"That's okay. It'll give me time to prepare myself! Um....how do you not act like a panicked gay again?" I ask.

"Joon, you're the top model in the damn country. Just....act like it's a serious photo shoot." He suggests.

"Right. Thanks." I nod. After about 3 hours of standing in line, I start to get bored. I slap Tae upside the head playfully, just because I feel like it.

"Yah, you asshole!" He karate chops my arm. I kick his shin, with a smile.

"You love me, really." I say. He kicks the back of my legs, knocking me down. I let out a screech, and fall to the floor. Everyone turns their head toward me, including Kim Seokjin. I quickly stand up, and dust my clothes off.

"Y-Your face." Taehyung laughs.

"You better not have given me a bruise. I have a photo shoot tomorrow." I grumble.

"You big baby." He rolls his eyes. "You'll be fine."

Eventually, Tae and I are the last people in line. Tae has a brief conversation with the author, before leaving the venue to sit in the car.

I slowly walk up to my favorite author, a blush on my face. "H-Hi."

"Well hello there, cutie." Seokjin grins. "How are you?"

"I-I'm good. How are you?" I whisper.

"Tired, but other than that, I'm great. What's your name, beautiful?" He tilts his head.

"K-Kim Namjoon." My face heats up.

"You're adorable." He grins.

"I love your books." I blurt out.

"Which one is your favorite?" He asks, placing his head on his hand.

"Oh....probably Epiphany. The love between the two characters is just....so real. The two boys would take a bullet for each other. That's....that's the type of love I want, one day." I say. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling a bit. I tend to do that when I'm nervous."

"No, it's cute." He chuckles. "I feel the same way. That's why I wrote it like that. The world is just....full of imbeciles, who like to play others. That's not right."

"It's hard finding someone that will put a lot of work into a relationship." I nod. "All people want, is sex and money. Not me. I want a true, loving relationship."

"You know......you seem very interesting." He tilts his head. One of the security guards start to walk over to tell me that my time is up, but Seokjin raises a hand to stop them.

"I'm really not." I blush, looking away from him. "I'm just....average."

"Sir? Your time is up." One of the guards say.

"Ah. I'm sorry." I bow. "It was nice meeting you, Seokjin."

He smiles, and hands me the book. "Bye, sweetheart."

I mentally squeal at the pet name. I take the book between my shaking hands, and walk out of the venue. I wave one last time, before walking to the car.

"Whoa, you good?" Tae asks. I nod quickly.

"H-He called me cutie, sweetheart, a-and beautiful." I giggle, my hands still shaking.

"I'm driving. You'd make us crash if I let you drive."

On the way home, I decide to open the book to see what he had written.

"OH MY GOD!" I shout. Taehyung slams on the breaks, and looks over at me, shocked.

"Dude, What the hell?!" He exclaims.

"H-He gave me his number!" I squeal.

'xxx-xxx-xxxx Here's my number, cutie ;). Why don't you call me sometime, so we can arrange a meeting. Or date. Whatever you want to call it.' ~Seokjin

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