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Namjoon POV

"KIM NAMJOON!" Taehyung storms into my house.

"Tae? Aren't you supposed to be with Seokjin?" I ask.

"Oh, I was with him!" He glares at me. "Why the hell have you been avoiding your baby? Seokjin just spend half an hour crying, because you've been avoiding your son. He's afraid that you and Seungkwan will have a bad relationship!"

"He's been...crying?" I ask.

"Yes!" Taehyung exclaims.

"I-I don't want to avoid our baby. Im just afraid." I sigh. He sits beside me, on the couch.

"Afraid of what?" He asks.

"What if I drop him?! What if I injure him somehow?! I'm bad luck, Tae." I wipe my eyes. I want to hold my son, and be a good dad. But I don't want to hurt him."

"Y-You wouldn't hurt him." Tae and I look up at the door, shocked to see Seokjin standing there, 4 month old Seungkwan in his arms. "Yeah, you're clumsy, and you break things. But I know you'd never hurt our son. Do you wanna...hold him?"

Taehyung leaves the house, to give us privacy. Seokjin takes Tae's place, and smiles slightly.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." I say. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"It's okay." He says. "Hold your arms like this."

He places Seungkwan into my arms. I freeze, too afraid to move. "Don't tense up like that. You'll be okay."

I relax, and smile at the bundle in my arms. "You're so cute, Seungkwan. You look just like your dad."

"See? Nothing to worry about." Seokjin kisses my cheek.

*A Few Weeks Later*

Seokjin POV

"He was being so rude, too." Namjoon shakes his head. "Then he punched a kid. That's why he was suspended."

I watch the scene, a huge grin on my face. Now that Namjoon has gotten over his fear of hurting Seungkwan, they're inseparable.

As soon as Namjoon gets home from work, he asks me how my day was, kisses me, and immediately walks over to Seungkwan's playpen. Namjoon then begins to talk about random things, to Seungkwan.

When Namjoon leaves for work every morning, Seungkwan always has a frown on his face. Until I give him food. When his Appa walks through the door after work, he squeals excitedly.

"I love you both. So much." Namjoon kisses me, then Seungkwan's forehead.

"And we love you as well."

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